Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ohio Joins the Losers

Most of the states in the US have governments that are cesspits of corruption. Every government official is some compromised scumbag that's really a lackey of bankers or some mafia. Ohio is no exception. The speaker of the house is some fat ass creepy looking dude who was just busted by the FBI for participating in a $60M bribery scheme on behalf of the corrupt electric utility company. It's pretty likely that scandal will take out a sizable chunk of the statehouse.

My guess is the states with the best fiscal situations, like Nebraska and Tennessee have the least government corruption. Conversely, states like New York and New Jersey are probably the worst. Ohio is in the middle.

Ohio might be a loser in the coronabologna sorting process, unfortunately. The governor "capitulated" to the mask-mania based on nonsensical criteria. That's a bad sign.

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