Sunday, May 30, 2021

EVs Will Be More Expensive to Operate than Gas/Diesel Vehicles

Unless there's a major breakthrough in battery technology and power generation technology, EVs are probably going to be extremely expensive to own and operate compared to internal combustion engine cars. According to this article no planning went into how to recycle all the dead batteries. It's not economical to recycle them, currently, and maybe it won't ever be. Chances are the solution to that problem will be to charge the owner to recycle them. So an owner will need to pay to recycle and replace a dead battery every XXX,000 miles. There won't be a used car EV market. They're basically disposable.

Actually this seems like the pretext they'll use to eliminate personal ownership of a car. Cars will be like shitty software products that you lease, but that the corporation owns.

EVs are not practical at all for anything but personal transportation. I've pointed out in numerous posts that it is not feasible to replace diesel or to eliminate petroleum production, and in fact it will have to increase to support a "switch" to EVs.

I can't really think of any other example of central planning attempting to control an economy in a similar way, except the communist countries, which all collapsed, obviously. Why do we continue to sleep walk down this road to tyranny and collapse? What's wrong with people?

The Plan Comes into Focus

 The World Economic Forum is pushing the notion that the cyber-pandemic is as bad as covaids.


“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole,” he said.

“The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”

Obviously, they want to control access to the Internet, as well as control information via the shitty companies like Faceberg. I imagine they'll try to make your covaids ID passport a necessary component to connecting to the Internet through an ISP.

Corporations are a major problem for people who want to be free. There's basically a global totalitarian system of control running all the publicly traded companies already via their dependence on financial markets. It seems like the eye of the Pyramid is formalizing that control into a parallel government.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Chance of Dying from Covid Same as the Chance of Dying from Life

The covid fear infomercial is very effective in spite of all the contrary evidence that is widely and publicly available. Some of this stuff has been published by the MSM, too, although sometimes with faulty interpretation of the data. For example, the BBC claimed since the chance of dying from covid exactly followed normal mortality per age group, the disease "doubled" mortality, which was either a deliberate lie, or was an interpretation by stupid people or both.

I think the chart above is somewhat misleading, too. It should include the mortality from the comorbidities alone. It makes it seem like "covid" is a unique catalyst. I would not be surprised if it were identical to the numbers above, which would show that covid is ordinary indeed.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

What Happens If the Globalist Fags Turn off the Petroleum?

Most people die.

Gretard recites her lines about saving the earth. The democrat party stooges attack the petroleum industry. The globalist fags attempt to infiltrate and destroy the industry everyone in the western countries rely upon for their life.

Things are going to get really dicey really soon. I think even the white liberal virtual signalers will start to realize their life is at stake and the "idea" of "fighting" climate warming won't seem so appealing when the first step in that fight is starving to death.

We're basically in an as-yet undeclared war--the people versus the pyramid. 

Repurposed Wu-Flu "Lab Escape" Bullshit

Now the liars in the mainstream media are rehashing the propaganda that first appeared in the alt-media in March 2020, that is, that full blown covaids "originated in a lab in China". A bunch of astro-turf alt-media figures were reciting that story in March 2020 to scare the alt-media crowd... but that group mostly shrugged it off...

Now that story is being repackaged and sold to mainstream 'tards.

That's really interesting, actually, it shows the group of people who create these scams is pretty small. You'd think they could come up with some consistent lie that'd work throughout the scam... but no, they keep coming up with a constantly shifting scam.

They should be called out by everyone. They suck. They're just scammers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Shift Focus to Individual Capability

The Beast system fills gaps in personal competence. That is, a person who is a cog in the corporate system makes money, then uses that money to pay for the things they can't do themselves. If you don't know how to fix your car, then you pay a mechanic. After hundreds of years of division of labor, and a school system that trains people for a roll in that scheme, the average person is kind of dumb at everything, and possibly an expert on one thing, and the aggregate economy is very diverse and well into an era of all-diminishing returns. Millions of man hours were poured into building social media systems, for example.

The feeble people who are created by the Beast are made for slavery and a life spent on a frustrating treadmill. They're institutionalized almost from birth and are shaped and molded to serve as a cog in a machine that's increasingly predatory and parasitic.

The antidote for that is competence at the individual and community level and replacing systems with individual competence and skill. That'd simultaneously shrink the economy and de-complicate it. I believe people would be much less likely to invest their personal time and energy into building nonsense if they were more responsible for the outcome of their own life.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Masks Optional Signs--People Still Wearing the Fucking Masks

Today is the first day I went out shopping when there were "masks optional" signs out. People are still wearing masks though. In particular these signs were claiming only the "unvaxxed" should wear masks. About 50% of people in the store were wearing them.

Who's going to ask if you're "fully vaccinated"? Nobody. They'll eventually try to push that nonsense, and will try to establish an electronic system for it--that'll take years of government bumbling to try to implement.

The pharma companies are already pushing the notion that people will need a booster shot in the fall for their poison concoction. Many people had fairly ordinary bad side effects from the vaxxes that were at least as bad as the typical "covaids" illness where they were ill for multiple days in a row. Are they going to sign up for a third dose of this crap so some corporate assholes can make more shekels?

Anyway, this whole system is going to grind to a halt and collapse once they start going over the top with all that shit--probably in the fall. Enjoy your maskless freedom while you can and enjoy this small reprieve of normalcy before bullets start flying.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

CDC Changing Test Protocols to Makes Vaccines Look Effective

Read this article.

Here's the quick summary.

Just like that, being asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated.

The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Global Government, Government of "The Air"

The climate scam is like the corona scam in that it's "of the air".

The control of CO2 gives jurisdiction to the "global government" via regulations. The UN really has no jurisdiction currently, but the climate scam gives it one.

Covaids is about controlling people's breathing. The whole thing was about breathing.

The George Floyd drama provided some neuro-linguistic programming for the covaids scam.

I hope more people snap out of this stuff pretty soon, but I doubt it's going to happen and their lives will be controlled by a bunch of eurotrash fags and aristocratic detritus who constitute the global government... ick.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Stalled Out Real Economy and Scam Bubbles Deflating

When I was first getting started in the corporate world, HR departments were doing a real hard sell on 401(k) plans. They were selling the idea that a 10% year-to-year return was a plausible expectation.

From the 1960s through the 1980s, the stock market declined, like going down a mountain into rolling foothills to a plane. So if you started your career in the 1960s, and kept plowing money into a 401(k), then retired in 1982, you'd have winnowed away your nest egg. That was a time of high inflation and overall stagnation.

Microprocessors and "deregulation" got things going again "financially". Really there was a shift of focus of the economy from ma and pa america to the corporatocracy pile of shit we have now. The stock market boomed and ma and pa got ass raped every year. People are trapped under a pile of debt and live foolish, meaningless lives in service of corporate dipshits.

Microprocessors were a real boon and improved things like fleet fuel economy. Financialization though, the baby of the 1980s, was a disaster, and we're about to live with its consequences and are probably living through the Ultimate Scam of them All--covaids. Financialization led to the Scam Based society. I think we're rapidly drawing to the close of that, though.

What's going to happen? I think the stock markets are going to look like the 60s and 70s again. It's like we're in the 1970s all over. Civil unrest stirred up by commie jews and dopey leftist retards in control of the country.

All the stuff like bitcoin/NFTs, classic cars, and all that nonsense is going to get hammered over the next year or so I think. The stupid central planning plans are going to wreak massive havoc on the western countries. The climate change bullshit, green energy bullshit, electric car bullshit is going to obliterate the system and not replace it with anything good.

I think our civilization is going to go in some completely unpredictable direction. Elements of it are very predictable, like the stock market is going to puke for a while, then some dumb government plan will reflate it momentarily, and we might get hyperinflation, or some other similar mass dislocation.

I think the future is small and simple living. The people who are instinctively building homesteads and making their life more resillient might do OK. The people who are levered up and paying for an upper middle class lifestyle with debt and financial products are going to get blasted in the ass.

Pa/Maternalism and the Covid Scam

I think when people are frightened, they fall into patterns of behavior that were shaped in childhood. They mentally run to mommy or daddy.

In the case of the covid scam, they mentally ran to mommy. I guess Dr. Fauci is the surrogate mommy for a lot of people in the United States. He's more grandma than grandpa or father. He's more like some character from a storybook than a real person--elf? gnome? troll?

Quite a few people ended up playing out the roll of "good kid" in this whole charade. The people that think the masks are valuable, or that the useless school yard strategies of "social distancing" and other ritualistic nonsense somehow controlled the motion of nano-scale particles filled that roll.

I doubt this stupid scam is over. We're probably just taking a break.

I hope there's severe pushback against any future attempts to do this scheme. If there's a real biological or chemical weapons attack, the proper thing to do would be to properly investigate it with a real independent agency rather than some corrupt government toads, then wipe completely wipe the perps out.

Are Vaccine Promoters Liable for Damages?

Several individuals and corporate entities are serving as the promoters for pharmaceutical companies. It's really no different than individuals or corporate entities selling anything like automobiles or paint or mouthwash.

Some corporations are becoming de facto sales agents of pharmaceutical companies wares. They're even starting to coerce their employees to use those specific products.... Wouldn't it be weird if they tried to force their work force to use RoundUp, or to paint their house a specific color with a specific brand of paint? Will the corporations be liable for damages for the people who end up paralyzed, or who are severely ill for several days from the vaccines?

Do they risk any liability if they promote a product that causes harm? The rate of adverse effects from the vaccines seems relatively high.

I don't know anything about the nitty-gritty details. If they were actual agents of the pharma companies, i.e. receiving compensation, would they have more exposure? I don't really know.

If they were promoting lead paint, for example, could they be held to account? I don't really know if lead paint manufacturers ever were, or if the makers of tetra-ethyl lead were. The asbestos companies went out of business. Even round-up maker Monsanto went out of business.

Fear Fantasy and Hope Fantasy

We're getting the garden ready for planting this season. I've been using "natural methods" for improving the soil and suppressing weeds for the past couple of years. If you watch youtube videos on the subject, you'd think it's a miraculous cure-all that'll make your garden crank out basketball sized lettuces and beach ball sized watermelons with no work. There's a hard sell for it, like there's a hard sell for almost everything.

The hard sell for the covaids bullshit is that if you don't take one of the vaccinations you'll die from a disease for which the most common symptom is no symptoms at all. Some people have severe complications from covid, just like some people have severe complications from colds and flu every year.

With the gardening videos, the hard sell is based on a hope fantasy. People can easily fall into a reverie about the ultimate pay-out. It's the basis for many scams. The covid infomercial is based on the fear fantasy, which is also the basis of many scams.

The real world is mundane, of course. Nothing is a panacea. Every endeavor of human beings is mixed, and outcomes are uncertain. Our plans rarely come to fruition.

Why don't the gardening channels frame their promotion of natural methods of farming in mundane real world terms? Unfortunately, there's no audience for that. The reality is, the natural methods work OK, but they're not a silver bullet. The reality is the weather is so variable year to year, and the circumstances in the garden are so variable year to year that the outcomes are uncertain and inexplicable failure is the most common option.

There is an audience for outsized claims and the childish hard sell though. "Electric cars will fix everthing!" Blah blah blah. There's too many examples to name.

The scare based scams are pretty shameful. It's unfortunate people keep falling for them. Cold war, Osama bin Laden, hackers, covaids, etc... Adults are as easy to frighten as children. I was terrified of bigfoot when I was 10, and I was terrified of nuclear war then too. I think the prospect of death by either bigfoor or nukes was roughly the same back in the early 80s.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Specific Type of Intelligence

Why do so many people fall for governments' scams? The Iraq War after 9/11 is a great example. The official story of who attacked the United States didn't even tangentially include Iraq, and even before the war was started the people who pushed the scare propaganda about Iraq WMD and other pretexts for the war had been discredited. Regardless, the United States lurched into another stupid war in the middle east for the Empire parasite. Sure, many people opposed the war and fruitlessly protested it, but many people thought it was justified and made sense. They heard the general narrative but could not hear the criticism.

Covid is a much larger scam that's more invasive. Rather than invade a random middle eastern country, it was an invasion of bureaucrats and apparatchiks right here at home. It ruined some people's lives completely by destroying small businesses, for example.

There was a maniacal push out of the gate for vaccinations and vaccine passports. Obviously those schemes were waiting in the wings ready to go. A very large portion of the population was seemingly hypnotized by the covid informercial fear porn every day and didn't notice the scammy aspects of it.

A pretty good chunk of the population wasn't hypnotized, though. I think it's at least 10% of the population, but it might be much higher. A large number of people, maybe even more than 50% realize the vaccines are probably bad for them.

What's the difference between these two groups? I think there's quite a few seemingly educated people who really bought the covid hoax hook line and sinker. There's quite a few people who are similarly educated, or are even experts in the fields associated with the hoax who don't buy it at all.

It's a really good question what the difference is. It seems like a very large proportion of "white liberal" types buy the story entirely without question. I think that type of person tends to have verbal intelligence, but not much else. That said, it's pretty easy to find people who are very intelligent and have both high math and verbal skills who believe one thing or the other.

I think it really boils down to how people interpret the malfeasance of the government and other establishment institutions like the media. If they think, in general, the government is bad they're unlikely to believe the covid story. That's probably the key factor.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Drone Project

I've slogged through hundreds of hours of work creating my own software for my own application. I'm stitching together 200+ drone photos to form an image of my property.

It actually works. It needs one more fairly major revision before it'd be suitable for general application, but the prototype works well enough. You might wonder if there's any real value to it compared to the imagery you can get with google or via other sources. 

The main difference is the drone photos are quite detailed--really to an arbitrary level of detail. The image above is the composite that's shrunk down to a tiny fraction of the 20,000x30,000 pixel size. The excerpt from the composite, below, shows the level of detail that's available in this particular set of photos. I think that image is from three or four different drone photos. These are from 200 feet above the ground.

You can see individual dandelion heads in these photos. The "image" is really a big database of photos and their relative position. You can browse it with a web application, or dump it out into a giant JPG (or TIFF) file. The photos overlap, too, so the same points on the ground are visible from several different angles.

The algorithm that forms the image composites is the current focus of the work I'm doing right now. The simple version that produced the first composite image works OK, but needs a little more sophistication to make an image that looks good and most importantly, is accurate in scale. So once that looks really good, I'll make a giant print and frame it.

What can you do with these images?

The most obvious applications are forestry and agriculture. I could catalog every tree on my property for example. Other property use and management tasks could be aided with such a tool, also. I'll probably put the tools online for people to use as a service once it's polished enough.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Natural Codes

I just completed the process of manually stitching together around 200 drone photos of my property to make a composite photograph/map. It's a really interesting and challenging problem. It's been tackled and solved many times over, of course, but still it's interesting. Google Maps, for example, is doing similar processing on satellite photos.

The drone photos of my property are immensely detailed compared to the kind of imagery that's available through something like my county's auditor web site, or through google. The flower of a dandelion, for example, is multiple pixels in diameter. Consequently, it's possible to go through the images and catalog the trees, for example, or to do something like count the flowers on strawberry plants to predict yield.

The process of stitching the photos together is really interesting. It's in the same class of problem as something like music recognition, or object recognition. The automated algorithms that stitch the photos together kind of suck, really the same way music recognition sucks. They work over a random range of conditions. They fail for various reasons and don't gradually and gracefully fall apart as there's more "noise" in an image, they just stop working for whole categories of images, like they don't work in the woods, for example. They also randomly fail even when there's large scale, really good solid features like roads and driveways.

The automated algorithms perform a simplified version of what a human does when they perform the task manually. They attempt to select unique landmarks in a photo... a human looks for unique landmarks that are present in multiple images, though, because a human can recognize them in both images. The algorithms attempt to categorize regions of the image to numerically "unique" landmarks because they can't recognize anything. Then they search for the landmarks in multiple images numerically.

For example, a human can compare a set of dandelions in two images and determine which ones are in the same group, while the algorithm just looks for something like edges or shapes that match some mathematically defined criteria.

This problem of "ex post facto" code discovery is really intriguing. It seems likely that it's really the basis of consciousness or intelligence in general. There's innumerable, really probably infinite such "codes" in the universe. There's probably infinite codes in my woods or on my property. The relationship between all the objects in every potential dimension of characterization would comprise the entire "information space".

The music recognition systems use the same process as the image stitching algorthms, and suffer from the same sort of problems. They kind of work, but then randomly fall apart, rather than gracefully decaying as noise is introduced.

Our brains can interpolate missing information and form hypotheses about landmarks in a photo, or the beats of a song that's heard in a noisy bar and can winnow down probabilities based on context... like there's probably nobody playing a classical music symphony over a noisy bar's sound system.

In the natural world, these patterns get encoded into DNA and into cultural information, and into the structures of our brains and sense organs. It's also getting encoded into entities with no obvious nervous system, e.g. the soil, or into an entire meta-entity like a forest.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Obviously Something is Wrong

The weirdo governor of Ohio is having a lottery for people who get vaccinated. The people who do have a supposed chance to win $1M. There will be 5 people who can win.

Obviously, all the people who want some of Bill Gates Electric Love Juice coursing through their veins already got it. The rest of the people don't. The media calls them "hesitant".

To be blunt the people who got the vaccine are dumb, frightened people. They've been whipped into a frenzy by a 24/7 infomercial about Covid. The whole covaids charade was coordinated as carefully as a blockbuster summer movie, but it had a much larger budget.

The people who won't get the vaccine know there's some agenda behind it and are opting out. Who knows what the agenda is, or if there's just one.

Regardless of what the agenda is, it's apparent that guys like Dewine are just employees of some larger organization, rather than the representatives of the people of Ohio. He's essentially part of a hostile fifth column who has infiltrated and is now currently subverting the state.

The routine corruption in Ohio was made apparent by the speaker of the state house being busted for a $60M bribe from the electric company. I think the state government is largely captured by industry and other interest groups. The governor obviously is too. Luckily the state has pretty limited power.

It seems like the Federalism of the United States is really working to defend people against all these mafiosi at least.

It's long past time to just start over. People need to take control of their own lives and more carefully tend to their culture and ditch their obsessions with hollywood, sports, politics, etc... That shit is all mind poison.

It'll Be OK...

Once the Jews get control of a tiny patch of land that's supposedly controlled by Palestinians, they'll feel happy, satisfied, safe and secure.

Their ethnic mafia's control of the financial system, of western governments down to the state and local level in the United States at least, their control of all the mainstream media outlets, their control of major publicly traded corporations and big tech companies, and leftist ideology factory universities, ownership of sports franchises is insufficient for them to feel safe and secure. Once they obliterate the last iota of resistance to their rule over a tiny patch of land in what they believe is their country they'll feel safe. That's the problem.

Oh yeah, then they'll be paranoid about Iran and harp on about that for the next several decades. Maybe they'll drag the United States and all its resources into another mega war in the middle east.

Oh and they're still maniacally trying to establish the vaccine industry as a massive, global cartel via their dopey puppets in "government", really what seems to be the bribed and blackmailed middle management of their global shit corporation. But once they get all that done, they'll just chill out and stop causing trouble.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Vax Salesman of the Month

The governors of states like Ohio, and the mayors of Big Cities are going way out of the way to sell people on the vaccines. It seems like all the people that want them already took them.

A guy like the governor of Ohio is obviously an employee of some third party organization. Governors like Dewine and people like Bill DiBlasio are basically a fifth column that's occupying the governments in the United States.

Right now they're still trying to sell people on the vaccines, like maniacal used car salesmen trying to win a monthly competition. They're pushing way too hard, so naturally the people who are skeptical of the whole covid hoax don't trust them.

Eventually they'll give up on the sales job and try to coerce people through employment and other means. I hope everyone just calls their bluff and walks away. It's more obvious than ever that we should just start over again.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Dueling Atlantis Myths

The modern world is really the brainchild of Francis Bacon, or more generally the Elizabethan court. Bacon's big idea was to put the golden age in the future. He wrote about it in "The New Atlantis". We really live in the world that story created.

There's a good parallel myth that cropped up as the Third Reich was ascendant in Germany after the disaster of WWI and the rivalry between the ailing British Empire and Germany came to a head. A woman named Maria Orsic who was a hot and sexy babe and practitioner of the occult and member of the Vril (life force [aka jizz]) society supposedly made psychic contact with aliens.

This is really the same story as the John Dee story, who was a member of the Elizabethan circle back in the beginning of modernity.

The Germans were quite purposely shoving out the British Empire (and Jewish) mythology from their culture. They actually were reclaiming the Atlantis myth.... and supposedly as the story goes, they actually rebuilt it, or reconnected with it, and it's in Antarctica. (see the story of Admiral Byrd's attempt to attack the New Swabia in Antarctica in 1946 [Operation High Jump].)

Is any of that "real"? I don't know.... in this insane asylum reality we're living through today, I won't be surprised if I get a passport to New Swabia in the mail like a jewish American person can get a passport to Israel. I won't be surprised if a ride of the Valkyries playing space ship lands in my front yard and some Aryan babe with big tits and 12 foot long hair comes to take me to work for Hitler's grandson in the Antarctica mountain base.

However, I think the more likely explanation is it's the German version of the Atlantis myth, or is something like the story of Prester John--the lost Christian King of "the east"... It's old war/empire propaganda that turns into a really great story.

The zio-anglo-American government/entertainment mind-fuck complex is really keen on keeping the Germans the ultimate evil race and keeping them bamboozled and stupid. So, I think the Maria Orsic, and stories about the secret space program, etc... are really great for snapping some people out of it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Read "Germany Must Perish"

If you haven't read Germany Must Perish by Theodore N. Kaufman you definitely should. You can probably find a free download on line--it's not available for sale through Amazon, of course.

It's pretty short. Frankly if you find a couple clips, that's probably enough. The book calls for the forced sterilization and murder of German people. While you're at it, go watch some clips of Jews cheering on slaughter of men, women, and children in the assholyland, so when they claim master victimhood race, you can just call it to mind.

Most people in the US have zero genetic connection, nor historical connection to that place. The "Bible" is really, quite ironically, the vandalization of the history of the Germans. A cut & paste job over whatever the real story was... On top of that, the US has been tangled up over there for decades trying to keep hegemony over the oil supply... Was it ever really worth it? Fuck no.

All the former Empires that played the great game nonsense got trashed and destroyed and the US empire is in the express lane to oblivion. It'd be great if we could just drop the Empire, move on from there, rebuild our own actual American culture and forge a much better future than being stapled to the horror show of the Old World and its inbred psychopaths.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Stagflation it Is

It looks like inflation is really starting to romp at the "basic goods" end of the economy, pretty much as predicted. That's going to nuke the "useless trash" investment end of the economy, like shitcoins and NFTs and all that garbage. Basic materials like oil, copper, lumber, and now food are going to go bonkers in big rando bubbles. It'll probably be completely unpredictable because a large portion of it is attached to the casino/fraud "markets". So right now lumber is astronomically expensive, but that money will rotate out into the next rando thing that gets super expensive.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Cycling Clubs as the Foundation for a Nation

In the early 2000's I spent a lot of time racing bicycles. It's a pretty good hobby, even though it's weirdly expensive. It's very time consuming too. Many other people participate in similar enthusiast hobbies and pursuits. Motor sports, for example, has a large base of enthusiastic participants. I'm citing those two hobbies/sports in particular because they're really equipment focused, and their participants are intense critics and users, and sometimes developers of new items or tools that'll give them an edge. Many other sports have elements of that, but are more corporate/industry driven mainly when there's mass participation.

It's not hard to imagine the "club"/enthusiast concept as a good basis for building a much more participant driven honing of other types of technology and cultural components. Right now most people are essentially passive participants in their life, and they spend the majority of their time turning a crank for a corporation or other type of business. Our culture is mostly astroturfed and synthetic, and right now it's turning into the ravings of some clique of inbred lunatics.

It'd be great if people really got off their asses and started participating in their own lives.

Who Is Designing Your Tech Toolkit?

The non-Amish white people think they're really "free" and are able to use any technology they want.


Your "council of elders" is going to make it impossible for you to drive your gasoline or diesel car in the not too distant future, except they aren't in your community and you don't know who they are, where they are, etc... It's some castle dwelling inbred freaks in Europe and on the East Coast of the US who are deciding your car is bad, while their private planes are good.

So when you see an Amish guy driving around in a buggy, and feel smug and superior, maybe you should realize that your buggy is about to be forcibly replaced because some randos don't like it and think your tech toolkit should not include an internal combustion engine because "green" stuff. Their track record at choosing technology is extremely bad, by the way, from the point of view of pollution and environmental damage. Arguably, cars and trucks are getting less and less polluting, and could continue down that road for decades... but nah, let's trash the entire transportation fleet and use batteries that'll just produce different forms of pollution because "green".

They don't want you to eat beef, either. Cows fart. Sure, there were 30 million+ bison, plus all kinds of other herbivores in the US prior to settlement, but cow farts are different than buffalo farts as far as global climate warming change is concerned. The thing that won't be a problem is factory grown GMO insect protein paste. That'll be fantastic.

The difference between the non-Amish whites and the Amish is their rules are more or less geared toward their quality of life, while ours are meant to keep us in the cage or on the hamster wheel as long as possible.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

GMO's--The Ultimate Pollution

Bill Gates' people are releasing some GMO mosquitoes into the wild for some reason. According to them, the mosquitoes are sterile... but what thing is 100%?

Pretty soon, some garbage genes will be out in the wild as the most pernicious form of pollution ever: self replicating and molecule level pollution. It might not be from this particular "experiment", but some corporate asshole will do it at some point "by accident"--a completely useless and totally avoidable accident in some experiment that promises tiny upside improvement to some random thing that didn't need improved.

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Real Reason for EVs

I've written a bunch of posts on why EVs make no sense. In a nutshell, the batteries suck, and "climate change" is a cult for child-mind adults. In theory EV's would be great if the batteries didn't suck and they actually had simple, mass produced components, and if the power grid could support them, but none of those things are true.

Really battery vehicles are just another hamster wheel.

The upper class and the middle class are really identical, except in income. The upper class is effective at scamming and conning people to give them lots of resources, so they can satisfy their outsized appetites. The lower end of the super wealthy is actually exactly like the middle class--you see sports stars and rappers who blow all their money and end up bankrupt exactly like some middle class office worker. The difference is they wasted their money on Bentleys and Lamborghinis and party yacht rentals where the middle class office worker bought new low end sports cars like Dodge Chargers and has a fishing boat they're making payments on.

If you're careful you can live a middle class, maybe even upper middle class life where you have all the "luxury" items, or necessary items, but you don't end up in debt and chained to the hamster wheel, and if someone gave you good advice that you could actually listen to when you were in your twenties you'd be out of corporate world in just a handful of years.

Well, what if the conmen running the economy just change up the game so there's absolutely no escape from the hamster wheel? They can claim it's about global CO2 cooling/warming/pandemic population blah blah blah. Just nonsense and scams to just get make sure nobody gets out of their gulag. There's more of the managerial class now than ever, and they need more resources than ever to live a luxury lifestyle.

What's better for that then a super expensive car that's really a piece of shit that's more or less disposable, and can be controlled by a corporation and the government? It can just shut off when you fail to get your fiftieth dose of Billy Gates' Joy Juice injected into your scrotum.

The funny thing about the current round of government and corporate scams is the assholes who are dreaming up these schemes are not very capable, and their rube goldberg contraption scams aren't "ready". The vaccine passports for example require at least some level of competence to implement, but it doesn't seem like the contractors who were trying to slap those shitty systems together could even do it in a way that was reliable enough for the scumbag governments to even use. It's like Obamacare all over again. They need to pour billions and billions of dollars into making a web site.

It's tempting to want to wreck all this shit, but it's 1000 times more effective to just abandon these people and their scams and just move on. Only small groups and individuals are going to do that. The rest of the people are going full idiocracy mode.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Zero Risk, Zero Accountability Business Models

The banking system has zero risk, and zero accountability. The war machine has zero risk and zero accountability for its promoters and profiteers. The vaccine industry has zero risk and zero accountability.

The Iraq War, the war waged on Libya, and the War in Afghanistan didn't produce any valuable outcome, except to the promoters and corporations that profited from arms sales, logistical operations, and other similar activities. They further expanded the debts of the United States federal government, made the lives of millions of people miserable, and killed hundreds of thousands of people directly. The War in Afghanistan seems like a very thinly veiled scam to provide a source of opium for drugs for organized crime in the government and in corporate form.

The financial system fails every few years and gets enormous taxpayer bailouts to promote the lifestyle of people who are essentially parasites, but who pretend they perform a vital service that only they can do. Their vital service is adding and subtracting numbers from a database and selling "money" that they create by adding a number to a database entry.

The pharmaceutical industry creates drugs that solve one problem and cause two others. They create vaccines that have "efficacy" measures that don't include lower risk of death from the disease they claim to protect people from. They are indemnified by the government for any damages their serums cause. Their only "risk" is people don't take their concoctions, so now they want to compel people to take their shit.

It seems like corporate tyranny, government corruption, and citizen sloth and fear are probably going to continue for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

White Liberals are Stupid and Insane

Here's a news article that epitomizes how despicably stupid the white liberal enclaves in the United States are because of covid. They've let virtue signalling inanity replace any iota of judgement. They probably never had any judgement.

That's a photo of a girl passing out at the end of a 800m race because she was wearing a facemask! They have kids wear facemasks in Oregon in track and field events because that state is run by insane commie/liberal douches.

People keep accepting pure unadulterated insanity. It's like the humanities department takeover of the country.


An Alternative to Ohio's Useless RINOs

I read through this guy's website and he seems like a much better alternative for governor than another loser RINO, and god forbid some retard leftist democrat moron.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Civilization is Built in Spite of Its "Leaders"

I've thought about the topic of animal domestication for many years. There's almost no evidence about how, when and where it happened, except scant archaeological finds that alter the story a little bit every few years. Explanations come from conjecture and thought experiments.

Whoever domesticated the horse, or the chicken, goats, sheep, or the myriad plants we use really built a huge portion of the foundation of our civilization. By contrast, the psychopathic murderers, rapists, and thieves who "lead" humanity have been a perpetual handbrake on it.

This guy has a youtube channel where he posts videos and streams of his raccoon feeding obsession. He hands out hot dogs and other treats to his furry companions.

I think it's plausible that animals were all domesticated with some variation of that theme.

When we see the United States government turn into a steaming turd led by an escapee from a dementia ward, and watch the white/jewish progressive liberal establishment turn into an insane asylum ward about the 'rona, it's hard not to feel at least some concern at the revelation that it was always at least as bad as it is now.

Governments are terrible. The people who flock to concentrated power and wealth are the worst parasites on the planet. The people who imagine they're going to save humanity from this or that crisis are the most dangerous people (like Bill Gates) and pose a real existential risk to us. It'd be fantastic if a meteor struck the earth in such a way that it broke into pieces and simultaneously wiped out the capital cities of every country on earth all at once. There would probably be 1000 years of peace until the recessive psychopathic genes slowly re-concentrated in the human gene pool.

That fat old guy who is stuffing the faces of his raccoon friends is really building the future just by doing his harmless hobby. I am working pretty hard on adjusting my own thinking to really embrace that and to stop paying attention to the puppet show of politicians and other professional liars.

The 'borg

A pretty common trope in sci-fi, way back to the very beginning of the genre, is the goal of civilization is to merge man and machine.

The 'borg is one great example of that. The cylons in battlestar galactica is another one. In Star Wars the Empire is the merged man and machine. They are the inverse of nature and produce a "Death Star". The transhumanists promote that agenda in real life today.

There's a few industry front-men for that agenda--like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. Oddly enough a creature like Gretard seems to serve that same agenda, but from a different angle.

The covid vaccine is one step along the road toward their agenda. It's meant to be a synthetic lab brewed replacement of humanity's normal immune response. It's very borg like, though, and seems to be pretty janky and maybe doesn't even work at all at its overtly stated objective.

There's three ancient twin myths I can think of off the top of my head, and they all involve entering into the city (aka technological civilization): Romulus and Remus--Romulus kills Remus and founds Rome. Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel and is forced to live in a city and work, basically. The Epic of Gilgamesh--a wild natural man--starts with Enkidu entering the city to fight Gilgamesh.

Thousands of years ago, the authors of those myths were skeptical of technology, and back then there was hardly any technology... but it already had pernicious and obvious side effects. The smelting of bronze, and bronze work, for example, included toxic chemicals that left people lame.

Our world today is really chock full of pollutants as a byproduct of industrial civilization, and especially the use of petrochemicals, which seem to be really pernicious. For example, the problem of plastic accumulating in the ocean and in marine life, and eventually in people, seems to be a problem that's inherent in the material and basic chemistry of the substances that go into plastic.

There seems to be some real problem with moving things too far out of their natural condition, e.g. plastic, or even something like bronze and copper. The natural world has adaptations and methods for breaking down and reclaiming certain categories of materials without much intervention from additional industrial processes. Wood, glass, steel, cast iron, plus every natural material are good examples.

It seems pretty likely that an even more severe form of pollution will arise from GMOs. We're insane and retarded to allow their use.

I think we're at the end of the road of this phase of our civilization. We're either going to end up 'borged and the planet wrecked quite contrary to all the good intentions of assholes like Bill Gates and the people writing scripts for Gretard, or we're going to go a different direction maybe after a big cataclysm.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Central Planning and Electric Vehicles

According to this article 1 of 5 EV owners switched back to an internal combustion engine car because charging the car is such a pain in the ass.

I've done a bunch of posts on this topic. It's a mystery why they're pushing electric vehicles. I don't think we're really running out of petroleum, and I think the climate change story is a hoax. Even if we're running out of petroleum, EVs will just cause that to happen faster, because of the amount of resources that will be required to switch over the transportation network.

The current generation of batteries are usable for the application, but just barely up to the task, and apparently not good enough to convince a good chunk of die-hard early adopters to keep drinking the kool aid.

I think what we're really experiencing is incompetence among the managerial class of the US run amok. We have an ever growing bureaucracy and way too many manager types. I think this is a side effect of the debt based economy, plus a reliance on technology. Tech is sort of like rust or a fungus in a log. It expands and consumes more and more.

There might not really be any overall dastardly scheme behind all the different plots, like pushing EVs or vaccines. Think about who the people are who are part of the bureaucracy pushing this stuff. They're really just a bunch of lawyers, and a bunch of randos who maybe graduated with a college degree in communications studies, or english literature. They really don't know what they're doing.

This scenario has played out, historically, many times. Stability leads to stagnation, which actually breeds political instability.