Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Moderns' "Project"

 The World Economic Forum has been promoting a utopian idea of a communist totally managed society that's setup "to serve man" in the twilight zone sense. I saw a Ted Talk on this idea a few years ago. The headline of this article sums it up: "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better"

The moderns project has old roots. Christianity includes the concept of redemption of a fallen world. Judaism has a similar concept. The idea of civilization is that nature is fundamentally broken and needs the work of man to fix it.

The utopians' scheme makes gods out of them and puts everyone else in a theme-park version of life where everyone is a big family and there's no boundaries or borders or strife. In this totally managed world, everyone is directed into tasks that solve every single "problem".

The notion that civilization is actually bad, that is detrimental to man doesn't occur to the moderns. The thinkers like Hobbes and Locke regarded the natural world, and the natural order as abhorrent. Most of modernity is about replacing nature with a man-made replacement.

Civilization seems to make people dumber and weaker as it goes on, and typically leads to spectacular catastrophic system failures. There's a large pile of collapsed and failed empires. Nature adapts and struggles in every nook and cranny of soil and rock and water. The creations of man start to decay and fall apart from their inception.

The moderns' anti-nature project seems fundamentally flawed because of its philosophical roots.

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