Friday, September 11, 2020

Covid: Ohio Fails The Life Test

I always wondered how crazy historical events like Prohibition, or WWI happened, now I see it up close in real time. The herd is easily whipped along by liars and fearmongers. A little dose of fear can get the people to do anything; it doesn't matter how stupid, degrading, or awful and immoral it is.

It's fairly depressing how Ohioans went along with the corona bologna. There's a small number of people who seem to realize it's bullshit, but there's a vast mob of fearful stockholm syndrome retards. There's a weird partisan divide, too. It seems like the "left"/democrats are the dumbest, sheep like people. I think they'd handcuff themselves to a pole in their house if the TV democrats told them to do it. These people advertise their love of "the science" on their front lawns with little signs, but there's not a scientist among them. It's a weird little cult.

Ohio's population failed miserably. Sure there are some people who haven't been swept along by the hysteria, but the vast majority were, or lack any will or backbone to stand up against it, which is just as bad, really.

Other states are even worse. New York, and California seem like insane asylums by comparison to Ohio. They're run by terrible, corrupt administrations. Only a handful of states retained any semblance of sanity. The only one I can think of is South Dakota. A steady drumbeat of media lies was directed at the governors who didn't go along with the hysterics. Why do people still care about the liars on TV? It's very strange.

It seems like a good idea for all the pro-freedom people to get to one location in the nation. If you had a critical mass of them in a state, they could protect their liberties and their futures. Since they're spread out around the nation, now, they'll have a hard time doing that.

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