Saturday, September 12, 2020

Antifa Arsons in Oregon?

 There's a bunch of fairly credible reports of Antifa people setting wildfires in Oregon. Those fires have killed several people and destroyed millions of dollars of property. The city and state governments have been inept and even collaborating with these organizations. The feds seem to be doing less than nothing to intervene in their activities.

Why? The feds routinely intervene and interdict other organizations, even fairly mundane ones, like businesses setup to promote barter as an alternative means of exchange.

Well, it's getting painfully obvious that the United States is really an oligarchy with the trappings of a republic. Some members of the controlling oligarchy run Antifa. People finger George Soros, but who knows how this group is really set up?

They own the shitty media and apparently many levels of government. So if people really want to win back the United States for themselves, the shortest route is probably to take it back from the oligarchs.

Maybe the local levels of government can establish order with the help of citizens. It might be necessary for people to form their own old-west style patrols in Oregon and California. The state authorities seem hopelessly corrupt and infiltrated. Maybe nullifying the state governments and moving all the authority to counties would be an option for fighting this current round of insanity in the US, including Covid and leftist retard violence.

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