Sunday, September 20, 2020

Food "shortages" and a System Run Amok

 The way we live in the United States is retarded.... the technocrats' solution is to make it even more retarded. Some sack of shit like Bill Gates wants a system that totally controls people's lives to cut CO2 emissions or restrict population growth or to avoid the never-arriving Malthusian doomsday prophesy those scumbags are selling at the moment. Billy Gates and the central planners will kill millions of people if they get their way, perhaps not from malice of forethought, but from bumbling fumbling stupidity.

They claim that meat production with cows and chickens is too energy intensive, so people will need to eat fake meat grown in factories... somehow that's going to be less energy intensive than allowing animals to walk around outside and eat grass?

If our goal was to make a less energy intensive, more natural food production system, the obvious, easiest solution is to let large areas of the United States revert to a more natural condition. Ohio, for example, used to support herds of bison, elk, and deer. All those animals were displaced to make room for cows and sheep. Some areas of the US aren't really amenable to cattle, since there's too much rain, so herds need more management and pastures need more management.

Anyway, Billy and his cronies just want to extract wealth and exact control in the name of helping humanity, same as it ever was.

The "elites" really don't make the culture or produce anything of value. Bill Gates is not a scientist. He's not an engineer. He's not an innovator. He's a collector and salesman. If we allow the US to turn into a top-down oligarchy, we'll enter a new dark age.

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