Saturday, March 28, 2020

Theater of the Absurd In Ohio

The death rate of the 'rona is supposedly on par with the flu, and in my home county there are supposedly 5 confirmed cases, but some stores are resorting to extreme measures to protect their workers and the public, which I guess is commendable in a response to the hysteria of the past couple of weeks. The more corporate the store, the more ridiculous the response is. For example, some stores put up plexiglass barriers in front of cashiers, and some stores have areas cordoned off to keep people a magic "6 feet apart". Of course it's "6".

The smaller mom and pop stores are basically normal, with maybe a bottle of purell on the counter.

I wonder how long this is going to go on. The media has a lot of incentive to pump out fear porn, and keep people afraid, but too much news and analysis is coming out that's contrary to the panic narrative. It's pretty sad to see how easily people were whipped into a frenzy. I shudder to think about the bullshit they're going to foist onto Americans in response. We'll soon see if people here are really concerned about freedom, or if they're just sheep.

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