Monday, March 23, 2020

The Two Most Mindfucked People on the Planet

I think the jewish people are the most mindfucked people on the planet. They're reminded daily by their "leaders" that every other group wants to murder them and their children. In reality most people don't care about them, like most people don't care about various other ethnic groups.

The germans in Germany are a close second. Since WW2, they've been completely mindfucked. During WW2 they were mindfucked by Hitler. Prior to WW1 they were shoved into a new artificial country by more mindfucking.

There's a symmetry to the post WW2 mindfucking. These two groups were set at odds by malignant, conniving people before the war, then during the war, and then a constant deluge of propaganda after the war really warped the perception of both peoples.

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