Monday, March 16, 2020

End of the Current System; Next Phase?

The coronavirus is nuking the potemkin village "markets". It's a little like the 2008 financial crisis: stock markets would decline rapidly, then there would be a day long burst of buying driven by promises of free money.

The current scenario seems more severe. The system is totally fake, in that it's entirely manmade, and is rigged in every conceivable way to keep a small group of people "in power". All the contractual relationships can be manipulated in any way necessary on behalf of the bankers, while the peons have few such protections. They're getting closer and closer to a full-on force majeure system reboot, which will probably result in major pain for the average person in the USA, all to protect some balance sheet digits of some cretins.

Many commenters have pointed at the collapse of the USSR as the model for the United States; A more likely model is the collapse of the British Empire, which was a slow mo sequence of financial events. The "federal" reserve is in the process of devaluing the dollar against the stock market, which is really what our whole stupid system is about. Elon Musk and Tesla are the poster children of this system--a PR cult supports a rickety business that's got a tower of babel high price attached to it because it's leader has some murky genetic connection to ????

Anyway, it seems like this system is coming to an end. Unfortunately, whatever new system is waiting in the wings to replace it will probably be significantly worse for the average person in the United States and the western world. So if this current shitty empire collapses because of a shift in alliances among the inbred, insane, child fucking oligarchs who sell out their nations at every opportunity, we'll see if the western people just accept the butt fucking, or if they'll fight.

It might be "go" time relatively soon, which is really pretty hard to believe. In a few months, most of us might not be doing anything remotely like we're doing today.

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