Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Slowly Unfolding Disaster of the Clinton and Bush Years

I was in college when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed. Before the dissolution of the USSR, we had a former apparatchik of the old USSR come and give a talk at our school about how the USSR was about to fall apart completely. Nobody believed him, but a few months later, there it was.

The USA had a fatal flaw, too. The politicians and people directing the nation had no plans for a post cold war world, nor any way to help unlock the potential of the people who had been trapped behind the iron curtain for decades of wasted time. Why? Because they're just grasping, greedy psychopaths. Rather than unlock the human potential of all the dollars wasted on cold war nonsense, they sought to work over the Russians and steal all their resources. They also sought to engage the US in more Empire wars after the fraud of 9/11. They also helped consolidate all US industries and businesses in a new gilded, really "paper scam" age.

They really lacked the capacity to do either task. They got booted out of Russia. Then they set out to squander US resources on endless, pointless wars that were really bad ideas based on flawed premises. The neocons and neolib boomers failed at all their scams and schemes. It's too bad so many people got sucked into their ploys and they weren't recognized early on for the frauds they were.

Not only is it too bad, but the failed scams and schemes of the vermin neocons are going to weigh on generations of Americans, at the minimum, as a financial burden to the fucking bankers, and as a huge lost opportunity, but as a probable cause of financial dislocation and a failure of this current "economic" system.

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