Sunday, April 7, 2019

Nonverbal Consciousness and Corporate Life

There are a million YouTube videos of people walking on nylon webbing stretched between trees. I think it's a relatively new hobby. It's like tightrope walking, but it's not as hard on the feet, I guess. When I was a kid, we walked down the narrow flat surface on top of the long galvanized steel guard rails on our cul de sac road or walked on logs over creeks and rivers. It's pretty entertaining to do that.

As a kid, my friends and I spent lots of time in childhood and adolescence learning many skills and practicing a variety of disciplines, and engaging in different modes of consciousness. But as an adult, I've been doing to corporate 9-5 grind for a long time, which for me is spent in an entirely verbal mode of consciousness. A large fraction of that is spent in the even narrower marathon of sudoku  software development mode of consciousness. It's really barely human!

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