Saturday, April 13, 2019

Orthodoxy and Cults

I remember playing with matchbox cars when I was a 6 year old kid. My friends and I would sit around a sandy spot in the back yard and make a little sand village with houses and roads and drive the cars around. To us, it was real. I think we didn't even really differentiate between that hallucinatory state and real life experience.

That hallucinatory state is the basis of cults and religions. What's the difference between a cult and a religion? In a cult, the shared hallucination of the group is all encompassing. The group expels or severely stigmatizes people who break the spell and move into another mode of consciousness. In a religion, people move in an out of the hallucination and back to "real life" day to day concerns.

The SJW cult shared hallucination is game-like. Naming and labeling and doltishly categorizing people creates a sort of board game/card game shared hallucination. It's pretty likely a lot of the SJW's learned their stuff through the card collecting games that were popular when they were little kids, so to them it makes sense to reduce the complexity and messiness of human life to categories or to the letters of sexual identity bingo.

Their cult orthodoxy makes no sense to adults, or to people with fuller experience, so they wave it off. This is the basis of the "clown world" meme. The SJWs are ridiculous and contemptible. Their stridency and "REEEEE" reaction is an attempt to keep their members stuck in a particular mode of thinking.

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