Thursday, April 18, 2019

The US Empire Can't Survive the Collapse of the MSM

The US empire started in the late 19th century and was opposed from day one, since the country was founded by casting off an empire. Empires are the stuff of the dottering old world and venal corruption and they can't coexist with Republics.

In the US, the empire runs out of the executive branch, the corrupt congress goes along with it, and heavy propaganda kept the citizenry in line or not caring. The Republic is at home, and the empire is abroad.

The US throwing its colossal weight around in poor countries like Yemen, or Vietnam, etc... is unseemly at best, and ends up benefiting very narrow interests--really only a handful of people who might happen to be US citizens. National resources are expended on fruitless, wicked causes on behalf of evil people at home an abroad.

Since the early days of the Empire in the US, the media played a major role in propagandizing people, especially to get involved in war after war. Now the MSM has one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. Look at the view counts of the heavily promoted YouTube channels of outlets like CNN or USA Today. The "rando guy with webcam" commenting on news channels rack up 8 and 10 times the number of views per hour as the product of mega corporations.

We're either a republic or an empire. The technocracy, oligarchy, whatever you want to call it can't stand the Bill of Rights and a country that's organized for the well being of its citizens rather than being organized for systematic pillage.

The Internet/alt media can form a distributed consensus for action, which probably scares the shit out of dirtbags in the US empire business. When there's no figurehead to smear, no headquarters to raid, or no leadership to corrupt, the tactics they generally use to overcome the asymmetry in power between their tiny group of people and an armed nation of free people won't work.

That being said, I do think violence is an unlikely outcome. My guess is at some point people will just start abandoning institutions that keep the system going in large numbers.

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