Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Regionalism not Globalism

 The people on the top of the societal pyramid see complexity as a solution to challenges of the immediate future. Cars and trucks keep getting more complicated, for example, supposedly for safety reasons, but road deaths have actually increased in recent years, probably because of smartphones. The Biden administration put new regulations in place for drunk driving detection systems--I doubt that's going to work. It will be buggy, POS software. Self driving cars seem like a pipe dream--a couple was recently decapitated when their Tesla self drove under a semi. Apple's self driving cars are apparently total garbage after spending billions in R&D.

Anyway, the technological solutions are really scams to make money. Industry groups push their tech via government so they can reap financial rewards. They don't even really have to deliver any working or useful thing anymore, either. They just collect the prize first.

All of this foolishness is possible because of cheap energy... but cheap energy is rapidly depleting. In the 1940s, the EROI of a barrel of oil in the US was 100:1. Today it's 15:1. It seems pretty obvious to me that  solar and wind power are energy consumers, rather than energy producers. Without massive subsidies and public resources, wind and solar projects aren't profitable, for example. It's impossible to build out the large energy storage infrastructure for example, without government resources, which is a really good hint that renewable projects are not viable at a large scale.

Ironically, though, it probably is viable for homeowners to install solar, which is really pretty interesting. That provides a hint about the direction everything is going... Total disintegration of countries like the USA maybe down to the county or state level. The reason for it is simplicity trumps complexity.

The federal government is loaded with insane, retarded bureaucrats right now. They are not sure what a man or a woman is. There are people who invested hundreds of hours of their life in studying dumb gender ideology making policy. The feds need more and more resources for their dumb projects so they'll demand more taxes, or more dollar dilution every day from now on. What's going to happen?

People will stop paying attention, and will stop playing in the system. It will start at the margins of society, then work its way into corporations and other official institutions. I think we'll see this happen in our lifetime--probably in a handful of years rather than 100.

As the top levels of government disintegrate, people will focus on their local community to keep order and make life livable.

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