Thursday, July 14, 2022

Live in a Based State

Florida seems to be the poster boy "based" state right now. There have been a couple incidents of homeowners defending their property with guns and the sheriffs in each case praised the homeowner and encouraged blowing criminal scumbags away.

Florida, of course, was one of the first states to drop the covid insanity and actually "follow the science". Right now, leftist retard areas of the country are ramping up the covid bullshit again. Apparently those fools have no memory or capacity to think in abstract terms. For them the masks and vaccines are like magic spells. They've been assured by their priests that masks "work", though anyone who can observe and draw his own conclusion understands they weren't effective at all for obvious reasons.

As a consequence Florida is attracting net migration from blue states. "Based" = masculine, really. By contrast, states like California, New York, and various other coastal states are governed by insane, retard progressives. They've managed to infiltrate and now control places like Denver, too. Those places are effeminate, gay, and seem completely unhinged. Places like New York City, San Francisco and Portland have devolved to complete dysfunction; the most basic benefits of civilization like control of broad daylight crime are gone in favor of rank virtue signaling. There are numerous videos of stores being looted in broad daylight in places like San Francisco. Cities like Portland are large open air homeless camps and drug dens.

Florida is going to be the template for lots of other states. It seems like Ohio is going the based route too. It works, because competent people tend to be pretty based. 

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