Saturday, July 16, 2022

Nuclear Powerplant is Peak Infrastructure

 I've been delving into the problems with nuclear power for the past couple of weeks. It's been pretty interesting. I think a person can draw some fairly useful conclusions.

Nuclear power isn't feasible because it's too expensive. It's expensive because the reactor environment is so hostile, and the plants are potentially dangerous if they're not carefully assembled. There are only a handful of competent people who can build them, so it takes a long time and is very expensive. Since they're expensive to build, they're expensive to maintain and repair. They need constant maintenance because the reactor environment is so harsh.

Fission plants show that there will never be fusion plants, for the same reasons. Fusion is apparently much harder to do, and the environment is potentially harsher, so building plants will be even more expensive, and maintaining and repairing them will be proportionally more expensive. Fission power plants basically failed to be economical. Fusion will be much worse, unless there's some gift from god breakthrough in that field.

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