Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Voice of The System

 We recently adopted a stray/feral cat who has been hanging around on our property for several months. He's a good cat. I haven't had a cat as a pet since the 1990s.

Anyway, when we took him in, I immediately thought, "We should take him to the vet and get him vaxxed and neutered" etc...

I realized it wasn't really "me" having that thought--I was basically replaying a script I was programmed with over my life. In prior years I would have just carried the script out like a robot. Now, I'm skeptical about the whole thing. Where did it come from? Who came up with it? Etc...

The script is really like the voice of the system. In The Matrix it's really the Agent Smith voice.

Once you realize it's not really your organic voice or thought, it's easy to see it in others as well on different topics. I saw an article yesterday about an children's book about-----abortion. I know the type of mother who would read that book to their kid. I went to college with those people--ultra "liberal" people. They have no thoughts of their own. Their entire consciousness has been replaced by NPR stories, essentially.

The system hates nature and wants to replace organic life with its own design. That sounds crazy and overblown, but it's unfortunately and fairly obviously true. Abortion is good for the system, so is recycling the fetal "tissues". So is sterilizing cats and dogs and people.

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