Friday, April 8, 2022

The Economic System Can't Be Trusted

I started my adult economic life in the 1990s a few years before the dot-com bubble. The future was very rosy. There was a song "The Future's So Bright I got to Wear Shades" that really summarized the whole thing pretty well.

It was not obvious, back then, that the tech revolution was a scam financed by dollar devaluation that resulted in massive misallocation of resources and wealth transfer. It really wasn't clear until the 2008.

The same mechanism has been at work since 1913: inflation, speculation, then "crash". The crash causes people to sell assets for pennies on the dollar to banks that just print the money. It's a scam.

Now the scam is morphing into warfare against the people. Covid was part of that. Inexplicably it's still going on in China. I think, fortunately, that many people in the west finally figured out that it's a scam and that the CDC and other government bodies are liars, so I think that particular line of attack is done. Even in occupied Germany, their government refused to enact legislation to mandate vaccines.

The economic system in the western countries is being weaponized against Russia, and eventually will be weaponized against mom and pop America.

99% of people completely depend on the economic system to live. They own few productive assets like farms and farm equipment, because corporate America seems to produce food, fuel and other necessities at "low cost". It seems uneconomical to grow your own food. That's all an illusion, unfortunately.

The common sense strategy of building one's own personal supply chain, i.e. homestead living, seemed foolish for many decades because of that illusion. For example, if you spent the time to plant a bunch of potatoes, then harvested 20 pounds of potatoes, the few hours you spent tending the garden would seem totally frivolous because you could just go to the grocery store and spend $5 for the same amount of potatoes. However, when there's no potatoes for any price, it seems extremely wise.

Unfortunately, the system can't be trusted--it never really could be. It was extremely stupid for mom and pop America to turn over management of their country's productive capacity to Wall Street and DC. Our mortal enemies basically took control of everything we need to live.

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