Sunday, April 17, 2022

Three Paths

1. Global corporate communism

The media and corporate america seems to be marching in lock step toward an authoritarian corporate system that's camouflaged in a bunch of SJW rhetoric like communism was back in the early 1900s. It's basically a worldwide monopoly business run by a handful of financial oligarchs.

A major side effect of communism and central planning is mass death. Pie in the sky dreamers and utopian rubes have often plotted and planned with mass murdering commies so their particular utopian schemes could be "realized". A good example of that is Anna Louise Strong who saw the USSR stack up bodies, and then saw the Chinese stack up bodies, but who remained a committed commie because she was either completely evil or totally retarded. Her cousin Maurice Strong was an internationally famous jet-setting grifter who pilfered money from various state and NGO enterprises while pretending to be an "environmentalist".

Her kind of thinking is now mainstream in the western academia and corporate world because the general public is too stupid to see these people for who they are.

2. Fight to preserve some version of the current system

If more people wake up to their current plight--i.e. that their system is run by evil ghouls and is being weaponized against them--they might opt to fight to preserve the corporate/consumer system.

The system is not inherently bad. There are a handful of fairly simple fixes that could keep it going for a long time to come: decentralize authority, decentralize the financial system (state banks in the US with gold/commodity backed money, for example), decentralize and make food production and manufacturing redundant and secure.

This option is going to involve a fight--basically a purge and war within the United States.

3. Freedom homesteader life

I think this option is the winner. I think the corporate/consumer system is really unsustainable because it consumes to many resources. Arguably, with a commodity backed currency, the consumer system would just die off and corporations would be much smaller, so some combination of 2 & 3 might actually work.

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