Thursday, September 9, 2021

That's All Folks

There's a war being waged on the entire population of the western world. All the governments are corrupt and controlled and are shifting into totalitarian mode. I think the shitty Biden administration is going to ratchet up their insanity today. The puppet will puke up some stupid plan to control Deltaids or whatever.

I think the media has done a pretty good job getting people to think a huge majority of the population is scared to death of covid, but when I look around my community, I see most of the people aren't afraid at all now. Only a small portion of the population is wearing a mask in the grocery store, for example. Like 10%. I think my county is probably a good demographic representation of the USA overall, but not of leftist shitholes like NYC or DC or Portland or San Francisco.

So here's what's going to happen President Yeltsin/Biden will make some retarded announcement. The feds have limited jurisdiction to impose fake and gay mandates. So national parks will require some corporate tech boondoggle nonsense, and federal buildings will too. He'll try to get corporations to push this or that thing, but doesn't have the jurisdiction to do it. Some corporations will comply.

I think good people should disrupt those corporations in every way shape and form. It's a duty at this point. Sic semper tyrannis.

Anyway, I think the plan of the fags behind all this shit is to just disrupt and destabilize everything. That's pretty easy to do, honestly. These people are purely destructive sociopath and psychopath losers. They are able to destroy like they destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. They think they can social engineer and control this or that group, but really, they're fucking losers.

I don't even think they're really capable of building out the electronic gulag. It'll be some hodgepodge mess that's easily hacked, doesn't work reliably, etc.... They'll throw billions of dollars at it and try to make it work. The Obamacare website is a great example of government tech. They couldn't get it to work and some friends of the Obamas got rich struggling through it.

Pretty soon, even sites that are as teeny tiny as my stupid blog will get censored. The soviet union censors were all jews by the way. That was reported first hand by a British journalist who went over there in the stalinist russia time. Gee. Who's the censors of the Internet today?

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