Friday, September 3, 2021

End of the Progressive Era?

Some of the most leftarded states and institutions are pushing the covid vaccine mandates to the max. In those states, people with top-level credentials in pure bullshit are in positions of authority. Those people are almost all incompetent at everything except reciting propaganda they learned from some commie professors at super left wing universities.

Those people, however, feel massively entitled to huge paychecks and job perks for showing up to meetings at big institutions like governments, hospitals, think tanks, and media jobs and at big corporations. These people don't actually produce anything or do anything all day long, but they're very sure they're better than everyone else, and they feel extremely capable and entitled to do some social engineering on the general public so it's less "racist" or whatever.

Unfortunately for these "top men", all the suckers who actually do the work for them are leaving their states and jobs. There really won't be anyone competent left in states like California in short order. The health care sector seems to be losing employees by the trainload to "vaccine mandates", especially in very left wing states.

All the people who leave the system behind won't be inclined to come back to those shitty institutions, ever. I think they snapped out of the hypnosis. It's like the "They Live" glasses moment in real lie.

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