Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Western Politicians are Clowns Because the Real Government is an Oligarchy

The western world is a total clown show. Bozos like Joe Biden or Donald Trump or Trudeau run around on the world stage pretending like they're in control. The reality is a corporate oligarchy actually determines what the policies are. This fifth column occupying force is really completely in control. Who are they? I really don't know who the individuals that control it are, and even though people make guesses, they don't either.

I think it's basically the British/"Jewish" (aka Jews who are not Jews but who are the synagogue of Satan) Empire 2.0. It's an Empire that's really organized like a big corporation and mainly uses propaganda and brainwashing to control hundreds of millions of people. Covid is a prime example. Countless millions of people believe they don't have a functioning immune system and need experimental concoctions produced by government supported cartels to survive. They didn't believe that in 2019, but suddenly did in 2020.

Most things people believe are a lie that keeps them in a literal matrix of lies that serve to divide and conquer and make them dumb. A great example of this is Black Lives Matter. An even more stark example, because it's so absurd is the notion that "white supremacy" drives black criminals to attack Asians. That convoluted story doesn't seem to be selling, but in spite of that the Empire propaganda machine keeps spinning it out there.

The notion of the poor, rural white people, or the dumb middle class white people who keep showing up at corporate jobs to support the financial system are "supreme" over anything is absurd. They're like trained monkeys turning a crank to keep the Empire moving along.

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