Sunday, June 20, 2021

China Bogeyman

A lot of faux american establishment institutions are suddenly parroting the script that Trump was reading during his turn on stage: "Chynnna Bad". They're trying to setup a new cold war scenario and a new pretext for spewing more resources at crony capitalist companies, to get government support to build new factories, for example.

The people who are promoting "China Bad" were the exact same people that built China up in the first place. China was pretty much wrecked by communism, then reformatted into the corporate communist thing that it is today. It was helped along that road by United States corporations and think tanks. China's an authoritarian government that supports and controls apparently free businesses and controls its subjects lives completely in central planning fashion. It's the model the US establishment wants for the US--authoritarian oligarchy.

The US establishment is a corrupt pile of shit and is the world's #1 bad actor. They're so bad, they make many people wonder if there's already a "NWO" in place and there's already a one world government because they so frequently act counter to American interest. They make many people wonder if they're a wholly owned subsidiary of Jew Incorporated because they constantly act to promote Israel and intervene in the middle east for no apparent obvious reason. Similarly they reflect the Jew's perpetual grudges against the Russians, and now in a very baffling turn against "White People" in a sort of modern-up-to-date version of Mao's cultural revolution.

The story that covaids originated in a lab in China is just the latest propaganda meant to bolster a cold war stance against china--which will open up the spigots for the parasite Military Industrial companies, and will also promote the vaccination cartel by promoting endless fear porn.

The "china dunnit" story was seeded out to the alt-media in March and April of 2020, then recently recycled for mainstream people just recently via a propagandist like Jon Leibowitz (Stewart).

The establishment is bad, but the "people" are the real problem in the US. We're a broken down, completely worked over group of clods who keep letting corporations run us the hell over. People need local control of their community, their schools and their lives, and need to pull as many resources as possible away from wall street and the federal government. It's a pretty clearly defined task, and it can be done incrementally to avoid a massive conflict or calamity.

The media lies. It always has. It always will. Apparently harmless entertainment is mind poison. The government is way too corrupt to reform in any meaningful way, and we're stuck in a sort of giant tax farm/amusement park. The path out is only open to individuals. There's no way a whole group will ever escape. However, if enough individuals leave, the whole thing dries up and blows away.

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