Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Climate Change Loons

If you haven't really looked into the "plans" for your life that are being proposed by climate change lunatics, you should. Here's one roadmap from some randos at an NGO. I have no idea how influential any of this stuff is. Obviously it's impossible to read--even the original one is an eye chart let me touch on a few highlights. This is from a pile of PhDs at some UK university/NGO thing. They probably got paid a pile of cash to crank this nonsense out. I think an 8th grader could have done as well.

By 2030, natural gas fired furnaces should be replaced by electric heat pumps. OK. Sure. I guess no energy or resources will be involved in switching out tens of millions of heating systems.

They want to phase out the use of cement... but at the same time they want to convert over the entire energy sector to renewables and electric, which will require an enormous building boom. Sure. That's gonna work. Did these people ever watch a video of a wind turbine being built? Probably not.

Here's what the base of a wind turbine looks like during construction:

My favorite one is trying to eliminate livestock like cows... are they going to kill off all the other herbivores on the planet too? Were the 30+ million bison who used to live in the United States contributing to global climate warming change?

Climate change is way more insane than even the covaids nonsense. How soon will people come to blows with their 5th column infested governments and establishment institutions?

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