Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Their Plan is Too Obvious

The oligarchs in the US want to abandon fossil fuels. The ostensible reason is that CO2 is causing climate warming/change/weirdness... yeah weirdness per that fraud John Kerry. I think two more plausible explanations are: we can't produce enough oil to meet future demand... or people like Kerry or who he works for want an electronic slave grid.

This article shows what the e-gulag would look like:

If everything is electric, then you can basically be taxed for using electricity as a function of income, or anything else they might want to use. They could charge you more for being white, for example, or if your opinion doesn't match that of some clique of brooklyn jews on any given topic, or if you ever wondered how it's possible the Germans cremated 6,000,000 people during war time.

It's almost too obvious.

There's no way the US is going to switch from petroleum to an all electric transportation grid. It's just not going to happen. An electric transportation system is going to be more resource intensive than a fossil fuel system. It will still require a huge amount of fossil fuel to maintain existing infrastructure, plus there needs to be a huge increase in the capacity of the electric generation and distribution system. It really is nonsensical. It's a plan devised by people who live in cities in southern california, I think.

It's hard to imagine that the state and federal governments can discredit themselves more than they already have via the covid scam, but I think climate bullshit and the resulting taxation and policy changes will do it. The system will be completely broken in no time. Non participation will become the norm as people attempt to protect their assets and their freedom.

If we're really resource constrained, then it's time to move on to a new approach to living. The e-gulag doesn't add any value... why will people pay for their own prison? I guess we already do that to a certain extent via income taxes, but at least there's some ostensible benefit to it, but the e-gulag is obviously hostile and bad for everyone.

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