Saturday, February 20, 2021

Perma Crisis!

 The mismanagement and corruption, or outright hostility of the government to the people that lead to an unreliable utility grid in Texas is then presented as evidence of a "crisis" that the same scumbags and incompetent clique of dipshit lawyers can "fix" with enormous expense. The fuckers in state capitals or in national capitals couldn't setup a coffee table to save their life, but they're universal experts on everything from the climate, to power production, to ingredients in food, or how to grow vegetables. HA!

My whole life, there's been a crisis or a human bogeyman who's trying to kill everyone. The solution to those problems has been to plunder as much money as possible from the nation until people just forget the crisis ever existed.

The new twist from the retarded democrats is that one of the new "dangers" is white people and conspiracy theorists--that is, anyone who questions their insane, inane beliefs about any particular topic. If you wonder why the climate that's changing all the time is suddenly a "crisis" you're a threat. You're probably racist, too. If you think it's hypocrisy that some climate change cheerleader like bill gates or john kerry consumes 10000x more resources than an average american, you're probably an anti-semite. If you think it's insane for the government to throw $50B at some random alphabet agency to fight "white supremacy" when all the white supremacist, wanna-be domestic terrorists are really the FBI, you're probably a Russian agent. 

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