Sunday, February 21, 2021

Smack for Soccer Moms

 Every once in a while, the evil ones promote some academic who's pushing part of their agenda. There's a professor at Columbia who is promoting recreational heroin use. His name is Carl Hart. It's pretty common for one of these academic media personalities to be in the national spotlight. It's also pretty common for them to flame out and disappear after a few months. I wouldn't be surprised if this dude was on NPR promoting his perspective to soccer moms to try to get them to use heroin to smooth out their day, like a cold beer. I can't wait for the NPR story where the reporter shoots up to have the hands-on first person experience they can describe to their audience.

It's been pretty common for the government to absorb organized crime businesses after a while. It wouldn't be such a shocker if they absorbed the whole drug trade and started taxing and selling hard drugs like they do booze and cigarettes and lottery and marijuana. We need a bunch of shitbird lawyers to keep us "safe" and to regulate organized crime. Sure we do.

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