Saturday, February 20, 2021

Received Reality

 There's a genre of youtube videos and even documentary mainstream-media videos that can all be summarized as "oh wow animals have feelings and similar characteristics to humans!"

That genre of video will go to great lengths to show some poor animal grieving the loss of a human companion or another animal. There's donkeys grieving the loss of horses, or ducks grieving the loss of another duck, etc... There's many famous stories, like dogs that followed an ambulance to the hospital or that slept on a grave.

The thing that's weird about those stories is that they're presented as "surprising" or revelatory, when it's actually the commonplace/experience based understanding of animals. The "scientific" understanding is the weird, demented, faulty understanding but that's the received reality. It's kind of shocking to realize we're groomed by a bunch of really aggressive, heavily promoted psychopaths to "believe" in their particular, parochial, fairly arbitrary view of the nature of the world.

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