Thursday, February 18, 2021

Overtly Hostile Government

It seems like "western" governments and other institutions turned fairly hostile to their people in recent months. Consequently, I think it's a lot easier to see how our system really works. The west is an oligarchy and has an overarching power structure that controls the puppet figures in governments. The presidents and prominent government people and probably even prominent figures in the corporate and media world are really just employees and front men for the overall organization. They've got as much autonomy as Tony the Tiger in their roles.

Oligarchy is nothing new, obviously, and the US itself has cycled through a bunch of different forms and economic arrangements through its history. Back in the early era of industrialization, oligarchs wielded tremendous power and influence. Politicians are always corrupt scumbags, and it's extremely rare there's a good and decent government that's aligned with the interests of the people.

It's a good question if "the people" will do anything about the worsening conditions, though. It seems like governments and other institutions might force people to act, and the best outcome might be that they force masses of people to opt out of the parasitic system and do their own thing. But we also might get sporadic, random, vigilante violence too, which will probably strengthen the system more.

Quite a large percentage of people are ready to see the government and corporations as the lying and fraudulent, though. The hamfisted propaganda and psyops of recent years have tutored millions of people about the scams and schemes of the scumbags in DC and other world capital cities.

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