Friday, November 13, 2020

World of Man is the World of Lies; Only Truth Sets You Free

 It takes a mass scale fraud like the corona bologna for normal people to see how this world really works. We're born into a world of lies and programmed for a role that has nothing at all to do with nature, or what's good for us. People have been living in this slave condition for thousands of years.

How does it work?

We're programmed through non-verbal means--images and emotional and visual impressions all through our lives. Our rational/verbal mind really never even gets involved in this process, and it becomes a sort of prison warden. The imagery based manipulation becomes "truth" via the shared experience/distributed brain.

A really simple example is the best way to make this concept more concrete. Why do we have lawns? That image of the flat, green square has been projected into our brain for decades. People will spend hours and hundreds or thousands of dollars per year to maintain a green square. They'll dump carcinogen chemicals all over it every year to maintain that image. They don't even know why.

Truth is non verbal. The connection to it is very direct.

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