Friday, November 20, 2020

Which Side are You On?


This video appears to depict a raid on a German Doctor's house during a live stream. Supposedly he is an opponent of lock down measures in Germany.

I take it with a grain of salt. I have no idea if it's real or propaganda. Either way, it's unacceptable to free people. If it's fear propaganda, it's meant to intimidate opponents of the covid nonsense. If it's real, then the German government is an authoritarian piece of shit.

I do believe that the globalists are  a merger between fascism--the corporate core of it, and communism, which seems to supply the fluffy rhetoric that conceals the dictatorship in the center. It's like Hitler butt-fucked Mao and this new government is their baby.

It seems very likely that governments around the world are going to crumble and split and we'll probably have conflict for years to come. I doubt the covid bullshit is going away... it'll be followed up by some other scheme these freaks already have in the pipeline.

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