Thursday, November 19, 2020

Programmed via Images

 Hollywood and advertising are absolutely essential to the government--really the human control system.

We're programmed via images and stagecraft. It's really amazing. I wrote several posts on this over the years, but it's summarized in this one.

The idea of the technocracy, for example, is primarily a Science Fiction idea, and it was shown in many movies and TV shows over my life time. The idea of man being completely controlled by a computerized totalitarian state is depicted over and over again.

The shows never depict all the software crashing repeatedly, or the cronyism and nepotism that would inevitably creep into even some fancy computerized system, not the boring software development and maintenance process for that whole shit pile.

We just get the glitzy depiction of that world of gleaming buildings.... That world will suck and thankfully will collapse in a giant heap in no time.

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