Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A New Way Forward: Dismantle the Pyramid

The election bullshit and the covid-19 jonestown america bullshit make it abundantly clear that a go-along-to-get-along strategy won't work for middle class/working class people.

It seems like we're at the start of an attempt by "western" oligarchs to leverage their economic control of the western world into overt political control. This requires the population to remain docile, compliant and frightened. The preferred form of government of the oligarchs is socialism, and now they seem to want to augment that through "high tech", so in their dream of the future, people's lives are completely and totally controlled with tech. They will claim it's for people's safety, as they are with covid, or they will claim its for efficiency or to combat climate change. They will claim their rule is synonymous with "social justice" or to help the poor, or other marginalized  groups. That's all lies.

If they succeed in steering people into a sort of new version of North Korea, it'll be a new dark age. The irony is that the oligarchs are the ultimate material beneficiaries of the past centuries of freedom, liberty, and associated innovation. Innovation was borne from freedom, and from the day to day struggle of people in the middle, in the middle classes, not some inbred aristocrats in castles. Without a middle class, without freedom and liberty and people pursuing hobbies, creative thinking, and problem solving innovation will cease and the economic and social system will fall apart very rapidly. There's no way to centrally direct activity that won't stifle creation. There's no clique of experts who's capable of managing the affairs and activity of millions of people.

Top down, central planning is a literal dead end. Central planning is one of the biggest killers in history. Hollywood movies and history classes focus on the destruction and cruelty of national socialists in Germany as a singular evil, but omit and gloss over the same atrocities on a larger scale in communist countries. In just one relatively small country: Cambodia, the communists brutally killed a quarter of the country's population--millions of people--men women and children en route to "workers paradise" that never came. In the USSR and China untold millions of people died en route to authoritarian rule by a clique of cronies and oligarchs. Communist utopia seems to always be just over a mountain of corpses--your corpses, not oligarch corpses.

The system today's oligarchy appears to favor seems to be a sort of fusion of corporations with the state in the fascist vein, with communist rhetoric and ideology as a new religion. A great example of that is a mega corporation like Apple flying rainbow flags and promoting Black Lives Matter while exploiting the working poor in Asia to maximize "efficiency" and return to "shareholders".

Westerners can't just go along with this, or they'll be herded into an ever smaller existence and reduced to slavery in just years. The opposite route is wide open country--a new frontier. In recent decades technology has reduced the cost of production dramatically. This should have been liberating, but instead, basically all tangible property and capital was monetized and then financialized into a quadrillion pieces of paper that are owned by a handful of oligarchs.

It's really just laziness and brainwashing that set us on this path. The thing to do is just abandon that system lock stock and barrel and start over with a focus on replacing that corporate supply chain with a distributed, decentralized supply chain. Start off with the basics--food, basic supplies, clothing, and build up from there.

Replace the usury system and the intellectual property system and the jiggling pile of nonsense legal system with one that is aimed at benefiting families and workers, and rebuild the culture and adherence to natural law. Follow the principles of nature with agriculture. It's a huge project, but for that reason alone it's pretty enticing. The new frontier is everywhere. Continue with the spirit of Jeffersonian democracy instead of the demented plans of commie eurotrash child diddling thinkers and mystery babylon freaks.

This approach applies to people all over the planet regardless of ethnicity or skin tone. The yearning to be free is universal. The truth of nature is universal.

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