Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mask Hysteria

The Covid-19 PR campaign made a lot of people realize they could die at any time from something out of their control. A lot of those people seized on the idea that a mask could save their life. The reality of it is--maybe it would, but maybe it would kill you too.

There's a tiny group of people exercising the level of hygiene necessary for a mask to prevent transmission of a virus. the vast majority wear the same mask all day. They touch the mask multiple times an hour, and touch their eyes and face repeatedly. Some go the extra mile of wearing gloves--for some reason a lot of those people wear weirdly poor-fitting gross looking food service gloves. The gloves have the same problems as the masks. People wear the same pair all day to economize, and take them off in the car and put them back on to go into a store. I saw one woman who was probably in her mid-thirties wearing safety goggles, plus a mask.

I wasn't aware that the same thing happened during the "Spanish Flu" in 1918.

The homebrew masks didn't work then. Why would they work now, unless T-shirt and bandanna fabric technology has advanced significantly.

The second wave of covid hysteria seems to be reaching a fever pitch, even though the stats tell the exact opposite story, but nobody seems to look at those, or seem to be capable of  understanding them at all. Only a handful of people seem to be capable to making an independent determination of how they should react to this situation.

Quite a bit of the hysteria this time around is aimed at forcing people to wear masks. Some jurisdictions have adopted laws to fine and punish people for not wearing masks, like 1 year jail sentences for violating the ordinance of some shitty little suburb or town.

In many states, including Ohio, there's a split between rural counties and the state's government. The rural counties, where there are very few cases per-capita and no deaths, refuse pedo-vibe emanating Mike DeWine's mandates. Some Sheriffs proclaim they won't enforce the mandates. In Ohio the governor's office introduced a 9/11 style color coded threat level. My county, where there's about 1 case per square mile is "Orange". Counties where there are 1 case per 20 square miles or less are "yellow".

I think Faceberg is the main channel for delivering propaganda to people now. The MSM has a small TV audience, but probably a fairly large audience by proxy in social media echo chambers. The MSM gets repackaged and laundered by people's friends and family into their "own" opinions and becomes more trusted. 

If you want to wear a mask, gloves, goggles, a tyvek suit and booties, go for it. If people feel safe without a mask, chances they probably are healthy and have a good immune system, so they shouldn't wear one. The people who are terrified of Covid and want to wear protective gear probably feel they're vulnerable, and maybe gain some piece of mind.

The blanket proclamations don't really have any place in the US, and are a slippery slope to more control over people's lives. The kids who go to school during this psychosis and hysteria will be brainwashed into obedient little losers.

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