Thursday, July 23, 2020

Do Normies Have a Red Line?

Do normal people have a red line they won't allow the government, corporations, or oligarchs to cross? As far as I can tell, the answer is no. They very quickly set aside their own will and ability to make decisions in favor of an alien will that's imposed on the mob via propaganda and advertising. There's a much smaller percentage of people who have the ability to assert their own will or to make their own decisions. These independent people are from all walks of life, male and female, and every ethnic group.

It seems like the oligarchs, or whoever or whatever runs the clusterfuck country of the USA is going to keep pushing people into worse and worse circumstances incrementally over the next weeks and months. The throng fell for the corona hoax. Huge numbers of people didn't just capitulate, or give up, they were enthusiastic participants. They're likely to be enthusiastic participants in each stage of their undoing.

There's a famous Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man" where the humans realize, too late, that the seemingly helpful aliens who are taking them away really intend to eat them. The real horror is zero people will have that terrible epiphany as they're herded into the next stage of their degradation.

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