Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Really, Build Your Ark. We've got 12 months to prepare if We're Lucky.

We're at the start of a very severe economic depression, which is really the prelude of a new shitty economic system and "political" realignment all around the world. This was all engineered. If you're one of the handful of people who reads my blog, you'll see I've been calling this out for quite some time. I think a lot of people expected it after the 2008 financial crisis... and really it took a lot longer than most were predicting.

The only option available to decent actual human people is to walk away and abandon their system. The people who planned this scheme and are carrying it out are psychopathic trash. Every choice they're about to offer, from vaccine/no vaccine to immunology certificates, or whatever scam they are going to try to sell you is a fraud. To play their game is to lose maybe your life and definitely your humanity and soul. To try to keep some value in your bank accounts or in gold or silver versions of money is probably also a loser.

We're really in frontier mode, again. Which is pretty exciting if you're younger, and have no chronic medical conditions. Unfortunately, add in a war on top of that, plus engineered famines, so things are going to get very hard for most people in the next year or two.

How to prepare? Think about 19th century frontier life. We're going to be at that level of civilization for an extended period of time. If you can supply food and water and basic hygiene and security that's fantastic. If you can keep your home running off grid with solar, or backup generator, or whatever, that's probably a bonus.

The dollars in your bank accounts are very likely to turn useless in the next year or so. If you can convert them to real, valuable things do it. I'm doing that right now. I 100% believe my savings account will be worthless by maybe 2021/22? It's hard to know the exact date.

Luckily we seem to have some time to prepare and get organized.... that's another important thing. Communications and organization. Talk to some neighbors and see what they think. There's probably a handful who are on a similar wavelength. Maybe most will think you're crazy, but unfortunately, they'll probably come around really quickly.

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