I've written quite a few posts on the possibility of war with "Iran" over the past few years. The US is still mired in a swamp of corruption in Afghanistan and bleeding money out the ass to a hoard of corrupt officials at home and abroad as a result of the war, but the prospect of yet more war is apparently enticing to the inbred fucks in NYC and DC.
It seems pretty likely that a war with Iran would escalate very quickly to a world-wide conflict and would be a giant retarded waste. I'm not sure it would reach WW1&2 levels of waste and destruction but it might come close. I find it hard to believe anyone in NYC or DC or even in Russia or China wants to be the one to pull that trigger. A slo-mo Suez Crisis seems more plausible... and is sort of what is happening now via proxy wars and various attacks and provocations around the middle east.
There could certainly, though, be some real fag false flag attack in weeks and months to come to try to provoke a US response. Let's hope people aren't retarded enough to get sucked into WW3 on behalf of Moloch's people.
Monday, December 30, 2019
Useless Economy versus the Useful Economy
The story about the black guy who attacked some jews with a machete got me thinking about the insane story of Donald Trump pardoning the jewish gangster who ran the meat packing/animal torture/sex slavery company in Iowa Sholom Rubashkin. I totally forgot about that story. I even thought about voting for Trump in the next election, but the dude is just a fraud/frontman for those mafiosi. (Clinton was another mafioso.) That reminds me that Harry Truman was connected to organized crime, too. That got me thinking about the AmericaWars game idea, and the notion of different power centers/patronage networks, and the concept of patronage networks in general.
The AmericaWars game idea is pretty interesting. It forces me to think about the actual political structure of the United States. The group that's hardest to categorize is the Trump voters--the yeomanry of the USA. They are organized as family units and are only loosely attached to the patronage networks that people like Trumps and Clintons are slaves to.
One of the weirder things about that yeomanry class is they control and run the useful economy. The mafiosi and politicians are really creatures of the useless economy. Unfortunately, the useless "economy" can "grow" much more quickly than the useful economy because of money and money concepts like credit and paper representations of "wealth" like stawks, bonds, and contracts. All that crap is the life's blood of patronage networks.
A few of the families I knew growing up owned small businesses that made real things like engines and parts for vehicles. Their wealth tended to accumulate in real world things too like vehicles and tools and they did a lot of barter. They really didn't need much of anything from the useless economy and barely participated in it.
One potential strategy for the yeomanry in an AmericaWars scenario is de-financialization. The paper-wealth system makes transactions seem fast and low-friction, but a giant parasitic system is required for something like the credit card network to function. If the yeomanry kicked the middle-man out of their dealings and focused on actual wealth creation and real economic growth, they'd be able to enjoy a much higher standard of living than they do today.
The AmericaWars game idea is pretty interesting. It forces me to think about the actual political structure of the United States. The group that's hardest to categorize is the Trump voters--the yeomanry of the USA. They are organized as family units and are only loosely attached to the patronage networks that people like Trumps and Clintons are slaves to.
One of the weirder things about that yeomanry class is they control and run the useful economy. The mafiosi and politicians are really creatures of the useless economy. Unfortunately, the useless "economy" can "grow" much more quickly than the useful economy because of money and money concepts like credit and paper representations of "wealth" like stawks, bonds, and contracts. All that crap is the life's blood of patronage networks.
A few of the families I knew growing up owned small businesses that made real things like engines and parts for vehicles. Their wealth tended to accumulate in real world things too like vehicles and tools and they did a lot of barter. They really didn't need much of anything from the useless economy and barely participated in it.
One potential strategy for the yeomanry in an AmericaWars scenario is de-financialization. The paper-wealth system makes transactions seem fast and low-friction, but a giant parasitic system is required for something like the credit card network to function. If the yeomanry kicked the middle-man out of their dealings and focused on actual wealth creation and real economic growth, they'd be able to enjoy a much higher standard of living than they do today.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Blacks versus Jews Attacks Narratives
There have been a couple of incidents in recent weeks where a black man or men attacked some jewish people. Invariably, instantly, the story is framed by the media as a hate crime and an incident of anti-semitism as if that's the only possible motive anyone could have for attacking a person of jewish ancestry.
That could be the motive. It's also possible it's gang warfare of some kind--over drugs for example. Who knows? If you browse through news stories of conflict between blacks and jews around the NYC megalopolis, you can find several stories of violence back and forth.
It'd be an interesting exercise to look at samples of stories about inter-ethnic violence and see how they're all framed; it's probably really common for the story to be cast in some stereotypical narrative.
That could be the motive. It's also possible it's gang warfare of some kind--over drugs for example. Who knows? If you browse through news stories of conflict between blacks and jews around the NYC megalopolis, you can find several stories of violence back and forth.
It'd be an interesting exercise to look at samples of stories about inter-ethnic violence and see how they're all framed; it's probably really common for the story to be cast in some stereotypical narrative.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Corporate Authority and "God"
There's a remarkable document from the 6th century De Correctione Rusticorum (On the Correction of the Rustic) by Martin of Braga that details many of the pagan (country people) practices of the day. The parallels between the early Christian "church" and today's commie SJWs are really evident when you read that work. The adherents of new ideologies are really hollow and fraudulent.
The church fathers spoke with a corporate voice, which they conflated with the voice of a deity. The same thing happens over and over today in a multitude of organizations. The corporate voice wants to correct the voice of the tradition of the people. Think of Michael Bloomberg telling people not to drink soda.
The tradition of the people is actually really slow to change. It's probably represents an underlying genetic landscape of a nation and its environment. For all we know, it could be the voice of the gut bacteria of a people. The corporate voice is really pretty feeble and reedy in comparison.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Crossroads Demons and Deals
The ability to make choices--really the ability to make wrong choices and to fail is what makes us human. Our lives seem to be an endless sequence of tests. The multitude we pass are forgotten and float away the next day, but the ones we fail seem to weigh a ton can shape all our future actions. In retrospect after making a bad choice, it can seem like the proper and good choice was calling out and was obvious.
The crossroads demon deal is one of the great American legends and it's built on older legends and rites to Mercury and Odin. It encapsulates that sense of moral binary choices. In the legend the person striking the deal is overreaching and driven by desire. The deal is legalistic, and is always Faustian. The petitioner might apparently get what he wanted, but has to pay a price that's too high.
It really can be soul killing to make a heavy bad choice. The demon is desire.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Internet and Changing Market Geometry
It's easy to see how settlement patterns follow topographical and geological features when you look at satellite photos/maps of the United States. People tend to live near rivers, lakes, harbors. Population density declines rapidly away from those features. The easy availability of water, and the cost of infrastructure like water and sewer and roads tends to concentrate people in those areas. Often those areas are historical transportation hubs, too because large rivers and bodies of water tend to be near flat, open land. (e.g. the Mohawk Valley)
There's often a corresponding flow of money tokens through those regions. Money concentrates like water from creeks, to streams, to rivers, to oceans. Resources also flow through those regions and become similarly concentrated in larger and larger markets.
The continuing flow of money and resources through these geographical features is mostly an accident of history, today. The Internet and even old engineering technology like trucks and automobiles can make completely new market geometries feasible or advantageous.
It's analogous to a mesh network topology versus the trunk and branches topology that provides Internet service to most people today. With the right mix of components, a mesh network is much cheaper and even more reliable than a trunked network--however, there are no large scale mesh networks out there today.
There's often a corresponding flow of money tokens through those regions. Money concentrates like water from creeks, to streams, to rivers, to oceans. Resources also flow through those regions and become similarly concentrated in larger and larger markets.
The continuing flow of money and resources through these geographical features is mostly an accident of history, today. The Internet and even old engineering technology like trucks and automobiles can make completely new market geometries feasible or advantageous.
It's analogous to a mesh network topology versus the trunk and branches topology that provides Internet service to most people today. With the right mix of components, a mesh network is much cheaper and even more reliable than a trunked network--however, there are no large scale mesh networks out there today.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Priesthood and Oligarchy of Today
Several years ago, my circle of acquaintances and friends included a lot of people who work at local parks. They were mostly hippie-trippy granola types, and I assumed their work-places would reflect that, but they were actually very political and shitty. There's a certain logic to that. The parks are far removed from natural necessity and there are lots of people with the skills and credentials needed for the jobs, so it's an environment that's ripe for political maneuvering and glad handing types. Academia and media are similar scenarios. That work environment is weirdly stressful for most normal people.
For the past several decades, some oligarchs and government officials have been systematically selling out and working against the mass population of western nations. It seems like a relatively large portion of the population of western nations has finally figured this out. That's triggered a near total panic in the patronage networks of the oligarchy.
Their jobs, just like the priesthood of yore, is to provide ongoing justification for plunder and malfeasance. The best current example is provided by the global warming industry, which has a Tony The Tiger style mascot in Greta Thunberg. A small army of academics and NGO employees work full time on promoting the idea that CO2 emissions should be another financial racket that makes people like Al Gore wealthy.
NGOs and academics provide a moralistic smokescreen to oligarchs and give a patina of legitimacy to their rackets. Once that preaching and moralizing loses credibility and value, entire industries, like the global warming industry can vanish overnight. The smokescreen is akin to religion with a priesthood, but it's not a very deep religion. It's more like a public cult of the classical world.
For the past several decades, some oligarchs and government officials have been systematically selling out and working against the mass population of western nations. It seems like a relatively large portion of the population of western nations has finally figured this out. That's triggered a near total panic in the patronage networks of the oligarchy.
Their jobs, just like the priesthood of yore, is to provide ongoing justification for plunder and malfeasance. The best current example is provided by the global warming industry, which has a Tony The Tiger style mascot in Greta Thunberg. A small army of academics and NGO employees work full time on promoting the idea that CO2 emissions should be another financial racket that makes people like Al Gore wealthy.
NGOs and academics provide a moralistic smokescreen to oligarchs and give a patina of legitimacy to their rackets. Once that preaching and moralizing loses credibility and value, entire industries, like the global warming industry can vanish overnight. The smokescreen is akin to religion with a priesthood, but it's not a very deep religion. It's more like a public cult of the classical world.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Killing the Golems from Hell
Even though YouTube is in the process of turning into a generic corporate media outlet, it provides a valuable and novel service, at least for the immediate future. It implements a sketch/toy model of a new way for people to organize and plan.
The current corporation/paper oriented system is really enmeshed in the financial system and the legal system. Any business/corporate entity is really just a mini outpost of the banking system and the government. A business owner, even of a sole proprietorship small business like a lawn service is really an Agent Smith.
Quite a lot time, energy, and resources spent by the 9-5 corporate world is ritual that breathes a sort of life into paper golem entities. Almost every post on my blog is about trying to identify and understand how these golem entities move into our realm. They really exist and they are really parasites from another dimension. It's not even metaphorical.
In a great paradox, the Internet provides a mechanism for humans to move their human energy into another dimension and maybe it's possible to ward that dimension against the corporate golems from hell--their home plane of existence--and kill them off.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Rewatching "24"
We're rewatching the series 24 from the early post 9/11 2000's. I watched a few of the seasons when it first aired, then watched the DVD series in the very early days of cable-cutting. It's pretty amusing to watch some of these early 2000's shows because they frequently showcase cutting edge "tech" of the day, which somehow seems more primitive than stuff from the 1960s compared to what we all take for granted now. 24 was also the heyday of quality cars. The American car makers were trying to compete with Toyota and Honda quality at that point. Jack drives a Mercury Grand Marquis, many of which are still on the road 20 years later.
The show is actually quite critical of the MIC. When I've thought about the show in recent years, I remembered it as a sort of propaganda work that promoted the use of torture and military power, but it's actually quite a bit more subtle than that and casts a lot of doubt on the government, and authority in general.
In the show, the government and Jack have a very weird relationship. Jack's a perpetual maverick renegade, which is necessary, because the government he works for is a corrupt, incompetent shit pile filled with traitors and self serving sleeze-lords.
24 is also a good example of the reason woke identity politics action dramas don't really work. Jack needs to be a maverick character because he's not fighting against people; he battles against cosmic forces who sometimes manifest as human characters. Jack's fight is a true battle.
The woke drama reduces the hero to a whiny bitch that's fighting against mere people. The identity politics bullshit doesn't work in that hero context.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
How Can a Distributed Brain Work?
The theme of The Matrix is as old as Plato's Cave Myth and has been a prevalent topic in Sci-Fi in recent decades: what does it mean to be a full human being when everyone from birth is part of and a creation of civilization rather than a natural human being. The feeling that civilization is alien, other, and even hostile is hard to shake. The movie They Live is a really good depiction of this concept.
The concept of social intelligence, or a shared/distributed brain might offer a good explanation of this feeling. Some part of our brain is actually connected to other human brains. The thoughts that emanate from that part of the brain aren't our own thoughts. They really are external.
The language of that shared brain is mostly non-verbal, which is another reason it seems alien to us.
Advertisers, governments, religions have all been able to hack that shared brain to scam people for thousands of years.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Alt-Media Shill-o-rama
Recently, Trump's administration announced a crackdown on porn. It's absurd anyone takes this seriously; Trump supposedly paid a porn star for sex. It's a dumb campaign theme, and it's also a scam to push more internet censorship, and the god awful totalitarian idea of an internet ID.
For the past several months alt-media personalities have been criticizing porn. It deserves critique and is probably is a propaganda weapon, however, I doubt their critique is genuine and grass-roots. It's an astro-turf campaign that's similar to many of the pre-2016 election alt-media topics that fed people into the Trump campaign network.
Unfortunately, it seems like many of the alt-media people on "the right" are shills and actors. They pitch their message to veins of narrow, but deep support in faux communities. It seems like a more effective way to rally and steer people than the corporate media, who often reach a larger audience, but the support they can generate is much shallower.
During the 2016 election a whole cadre of shills popped up, then vanished into obscurity. It seems like they burn out their support and effectiveness in a short period of time. A new crop of shills is being promoted in the run-up to the 2020 election. They'll climb onboard a series of campaign themes as November 2020 draws closer.
It doesn't seem like the Democrat mafia has the same level of technology as the Trump mafia and they rely on celebrity retards pitching the nonsense themes of the "left" to rally their voters.
The System: Disembodied Will
The X-Files had a series of episodes about "black oil". It was an alien substance that had been infecting humans on earth since the ice ages. It transforms them from a real human into a host for an alien life form. A few other TV shows and movies have the same theme, like The Expanse and The Matrix. I think it represents civilization.
The "system" is a strange thing. It's not human. It's not even of humans. It's something else. It's a disembodied will--of whom? I'm fairly sure that concept is represented by the "illuminati eye". The capstone of the pyramid is missing. It's in another dimension distinct from 3D reality. The people who run the system often cast themselves as servants--public servants. Really they're system servants.
The brain mechanism for feeling or knowing this external will might be similar to the mechanism our ducks use to make decisions. It's a group brain. It really is an external entity because it's not really in any one person's mind, rather, it's formed from multiple minds.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cynics and The Corporation Man
The previous post about the person who domesticated the chicken got me thinking about the type of people who are revered in the official histories and why there are official histories in the first place.
There have been many versions of corporations over the millenia. In the classical world, aristocratic families were really like corporations. They conflated the concept of ownership with a line of inheritance.
The modern corporation is a legal abstraction of that concept. "Ownership" of the corporation can be extended to a larger group of investors. In some cases, the original owner and family retain exclusive control of the entity and sell a sort of fictional version of ownership to the "public" via stock.
Some of those institutions propose a trade of an individual's agency for various rewards. The training and conditioning for that psychology starts in childhood. In modern times, groups like Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, public schools, sports teams, etc... train children to seek satisfaction and attainment via group goals. The military is the ultimate form of that mechanism where the soldier basically surrenders all their agency in exchange for ribbons and cheap metal and plastic jewelry and praise. Corporations are a very limited version of these organizations.
"History" is the memory of these corporate entities.
The current version of the fraud is that the corporation system can be made into a mathematical abstraction derived from "first principles" provided by scientific experts.
In the classical world, the Cynic Philosophers critiqued the fraud of that whole system. They were basically the Morpheus/Red Pill/alt media of their time. Nature and the natural order are contrary to the corporate/institutional roles of man.
There have been many versions of corporations over the millenia. In the classical world, aristocratic families were really like corporations. They conflated the concept of ownership with a line of inheritance.
The modern corporation is a legal abstraction of that concept. "Ownership" of the corporation can be extended to a larger group of investors. In some cases, the original owner and family retain exclusive control of the entity and sell a sort of fictional version of ownership to the "public" via stock.
Some of those institutions propose a trade of an individual's agency for various rewards. The training and conditioning for that psychology starts in childhood. In modern times, groups like Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, public schools, sports teams, etc... train children to seek satisfaction and attainment via group goals. The military is the ultimate form of that mechanism where the soldier basically surrenders all their agency in exchange for ribbons and cheap metal and plastic jewelry and praise. Corporations are a very limited version of these organizations.
"History" is the memory of these corporate entities.
The current version of the fraud is that the corporation system can be made into a mathematical abstraction derived from "first principles" provided by scientific experts.
In the classical world, the Cynic Philosophers critiqued the fraud of that whole system. They were basically the Morpheus/Red Pill/alt media of their time. Nature and the natural order are contrary to the corporate/institutional roles of man.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Guy Who Domesticated the Chicken Versus Bubba Bill
At some point in the remote past, some person, or a family, or a small group domesticated the chicken. It's not even worth looking at the research on these subjects because the information is so sketchy and scarce that it's probably all wrong. Research on domestication of wolves, for example, keeps moving the date back and back.
Anyway, whoever domesticated the chicken did an enormous service to human beings, but there's not even a whiff of memory of those people, or that person. It's actually pretty weird.
"History" is mostly bullshit and is severely skewed toward chronicling the acts of degenerate psychopath gangsters like the Clintons. Actually if you think about the "gods" of ancient times, or even of the present, they're kind of empty, childish, low detail level ideas about "power", and they sort of resemble politicians.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Paper Men
Consider how many people's labor and how many resources are expended so "paper" representations of wealth are accepted as valuable. Hell, millions of people have been murdered so paper wealth retains its value. Countless people piss their life away looking at bullshit like the stock market to worship paper money. It's really fucked up.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Communism and Starvation
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"I have no skills or knowledge, but people listen to what I have to say and if they follow my advice they'll starve to death in a few years." |
Why does anybody believe a word Bernie Sanders says? The guy is a total fraud. Socialism has failed over and over and over again, but he sells it for a career and he makes a lot of money doing it. People respect him for some reason. It's really very strange. He has no skills and is a salesman for a system//ideology that's killed tens of millions of people.
Socialism/Communism is a system vile oligarchs use to destroy nations and steal their goods in bargain basement trades. It's a method for them to extract a pound of gold for a pound of wheat. If the United States goes full-on leftard socialist, the economy will almost immediately collapse, and then a few years later millions of people will starve to death as war rages.
Even if the United States continues down the neoliberal 0bama/Clinton/Romney style Fully Managed Life Corporate Socialism, the economy will collapse.
If you're not a productive person, you can't understand why 20th century style socialism can't work. If you are a productive person, it's terribly obvious. Wealth confiscation punishes productivity, so people abandon productive pursuits. Another side effect of a system that's contrary to natural law and fairness is organized crime takes over as a shadow government, and the government turns into a worse cesspool of corruption than it already is.
What a crappy system! Imagine if you do a hands on job like growing vegetables, currently the government confiscates 3 out of 12 tomatoes to murder people in the middle east and to pay for social programs at home. If the US goes full leftard, at first 6 of 12 tomatoes will be taken, and then all the tomatoes. Meanwhile the Bill Gates, George Soros, and Hillary Clinton types will be hiding all their tomatoes in Switzerland or in "Foundations". Why are you going to plant more tomatoes? All the infrastructure and systems for distributing the tomatoes will fall apart too.
The neoliberal corporate socialism is the same thing but will take more time to fall apart because it's better disguised. Instead of the government robbing productive people via taxation, corporations will compel people's behavior via central planning and will rob them through fraud and legalism.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Internet: White Collar and Blue Collar Workers
Many academics and media people live in a weird little bubble of non-reality. They're really members of a patronage network of the money printing establishment oligarchy in the western world. Their job is mainly to argue for more managerial control to bolster the position of the oligarchy. That's the sole purpose for the academic industry around "climate change", for example.
One of the rhetorical angles the establishment uses to vie for more control is that blue collar jobs will easily be replaced by technology. An implicit element of that argument is that "education" and an advanced degree in some field is inherently valuable, while mere manual labor is valueless and can be easily replaced by a machine.
Many of the people making such arguments don't know the first thing about the work a welder does, or the work an electrician, carpenter or plumber or auto mechanic, etc... do. Many skilled trades require high intelligence and problem solving skills in addition to manual dexterity and hands on experience. Many of the people making such arguments don't know what a truck driver does, either. It's quite likely they've never even talked to somebody in the fields they imagine will be replaced by "robots".
The reality is white collar workers in many fields are much easier to replace with automation than anyone in a trade. In fact, the stuff in factories and on construction sites that can be automated profitably is already automated.
The managerial and executive functions of many corporations could be automated away already much more easily than an electricians job could be automated. The insurance industry, for example, is almost entirely corporate overhead and parasitism. Banking, real estate, most government bureaucracy functions, are really just a staff of people who manage a stupidly simple database.
It's pretty telling that most of the fear porn around automation is aimed at blue collar workers.
One of the rhetorical angles the establishment uses to vie for more control is that blue collar jobs will easily be replaced by technology. An implicit element of that argument is that "education" and an advanced degree in some field is inherently valuable, while mere manual labor is valueless and can be easily replaced by a machine.
Many of the people making such arguments don't know the first thing about the work a welder does, or the work an electrician, carpenter or plumber or auto mechanic, etc... do. Many skilled trades require high intelligence and problem solving skills in addition to manual dexterity and hands on experience. Many of the people making such arguments don't know what a truck driver does, either. It's quite likely they've never even talked to somebody in the fields they imagine will be replaced by "robots".
The reality is white collar workers in many fields are much easier to replace with automation than anyone in a trade. In fact, the stuff in factories and on construction sites that can be automated profitably is already automated.
The managerial and executive functions of many corporations could be automated away already much more easily than an electricians job could be automated. The insurance industry, for example, is almost entirely corporate overhead and parasitism. Banking, real estate, most government bureaucracy functions, are really just a staff of people who manage a stupidly simple database.
It's pretty telling that most of the fear porn around automation is aimed at blue collar workers.
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