Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Killing the Golems from Hell

Even though YouTube is in the process of turning into a generic corporate media outlet, it provides a valuable and novel service, at least for the immediate future. It implements a sketch/toy model of a new way for people to organize and plan.

The current corporation/paper oriented system is really enmeshed in the financial system and the legal system. Any business/corporate entity is really just a mini outpost of the banking system and the government. A business owner, even of a sole proprietorship small business like a lawn service is really an Agent Smith.

Quite a lot time, energy, and resources spent by the 9-5 corporate world is ritual that breathes a sort of life into paper golem entities. Almost every post on my blog is about trying to identify and understand how these golem entities move into our realm. They really exist and they are really parasites from another dimension. It's not even metaphorical.

In a great paradox, the Internet provides a mechanism for humans to move their human energy into another dimension and maybe it's possible to ward that dimension against the corporate golems from hell--their home plane of existence--and kill them off.

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