Monday, December 30, 2019

War with Iran?

I've written quite a few posts on the possibility of war with "Iran" over the past few years. The US is still mired in a swamp of corruption in Afghanistan and bleeding money out the ass to a hoard of corrupt officials at home and abroad as a result of the war, but the prospect of yet more war is apparently enticing to the inbred fucks in NYC and DC.

It seems pretty likely that a war with Iran would escalate very quickly to a world-wide conflict and would be a giant retarded waste. I'm not sure it would reach WW1&2 levels of waste and destruction but it might come close. I find it hard to believe anyone in NYC or DC or even in Russia or China wants to be the one to pull that trigger. A slo-mo Suez Crisis seems more plausible... and is sort of what is happening now via proxy wars and various attacks and provocations around the middle east.

There could certainly, though, be some real fag false flag attack in weeks and months to come to try to provoke a US response. Let's hope people aren't retarded enough to get sucked into WW3 on behalf of Moloch's people.

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