Saturday, December 28, 2019

Corporate Authority and "God"

There's a remarkable document from the 6th century De Correctione Rusticorum (On the Correction of the Rustic) by Martin of Braga that details many of the pagan (country people) practices of the day. The parallels between the early Christian "church" and today's commie SJWs are really evident when you read that work. The adherents of new ideologies are really hollow and fraudulent.

The church fathers spoke with a corporate voice, which they conflated with the voice of a deity. The same thing happens over and over today in a multitude of organizations. The corporate voice wants to correct the voice of the tradition of the people. Think of Michael Bloomberg telling people not to drink soda.

The tradition of the people is actually really slow to change. It's probably represents an underlying genetic landscape of a nation and its environment. For all we know, it could be the voice of the gut bacteria of a people. The corporate voice is really pretty feeble and reedy in comparison.

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