Monday, August 12, 2019

The Epstein Saga: Lies and Drama

Everyone "knows" Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide. Nobody knows who Epstein worked for, or what he "was" though. His whole backstory is nonsense. The whole story is nonsense, or inexplicable. The whole thing could be fake--basically a play or a bible story. There's a bunch of stupid numerology bullshit involved. It's not worth diving into the rabbit hole of this contrivance.

Epstein's story accomplishes a couple of things--one it keeps people focused on nonsense--a global "whudunnit". It also vilifies Jews who are on an express train to being scapegoated in the United States.

Epstein epitomizes all the stereotypically bad things about Jewish people. He pimped  poor and disenfranchised sex slave white girls to gross old troll-like Jews. He is an example of a category of Jewish businesses. Many of the vice businesses in the United States and the west a run by "jews", people claiming to be Jewish anyway, whatever that even means. Porn, drugs, booze, etc...

I won't be surprised if more details  leak out about the Epstein story--maybe we'll find a "white supremacist" guard killed him or something similar.

Anyway, normal people of all races and ethnic backgrounds want to be virtuous and want a good family life, but we live in the world of lies. The connected, village/tribe life, is long gone and we have a shitty corporate culture that is almost universally despised. We have a government in the United States that's 100% corrupt. It's pretty easy to blame the lack of virtue on poor ol' Schlomo, but that's really a projection.

If people really got on track, found virtue and lived virtuously, all the vice businesses, including banking, would collapse into a black hole. Violence is just another vice business, so I hope people avoid that road.

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