Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Left and Right Brain Peoples

Anti Commie Propaganda Poster from Norway
The corporation I work for has been remarkably free from the SJW bullshit other US corporations foist on their employees. The first dribble of it leaked in this year. I think most people just shrug it off as more corporate nonsense, but in the politically charged atmosphere of the United States today, I think it's more irritating than it otherwise would be.

I think there's really a fundamental difference in how different peoples perceive the world, possibly due to genetic and brain structure differences. A common trope today is the northern european peoples are "high trust societies" due to centuries of battling cold weather.

My pet theory is some groups assess the world more with their right brain or left brain. There's a great book about art that delves into this topic: "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". The author theorized that people often lose the ability to draw as they age because their consciousness steadily shifts into a symbolic mode of representation.

If you practice drawing, you discipline your brain to be able to shift into another mode of consciousness which just "sees". That integrating, visual mode of consciousness is different than endless word salad analyzing and rule making.

If you're a person with a genetic disposition to operate more in the whole-truth, right brain mode  of thinking, then the word-salad rule making mode of consciousness seems shallow and stupid. You really can't take those people seriously because they have no access to the truth as you see it, and vice versa.

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