Tuesday, August 6, 2019

#justletithappen Approach of "Pockets of the Future"

I've been watching the YouTube channel "pockets of the future" lately. He's got a strategy to the clown world topics that's worth considering: #justletithappen. The idea in a nutshell, is it's better to let the "left" run hog wild and flip the Western World upside down. He's counting on that as a demonstration of evil, basically, which will necessarily make more people see the good and the natural order.

I think there's a pretty strong element of truth in that approach. As madness seems to engulf many institutions in the United States and the Western world as a whole, sane traditions like Christianity or philosophical traditions like Stoicism are illuminated.

It's hard to admit that the institutions are not worth saving. It's hard to imagine what comes after this whole shitshow burns to the ground but the match is already lit. Why fight a bunch of delusional maniacs over nonsense like the Olympics games or women's sports? It really doesn't matter. Get your family and whatever sane friends you have onto your ark and watch it burn (intentional mixed metaphor).

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