Back when I was in high school and college. "white power" figures and klansmen (or actors playing those roles) were regularly paraded on TV talk shows to be made fun of. They were a joke because the US is a country based on individual rights rather than ethnicity. That system of individual rights is manifestly better than racial and ethnic tribalism, which tends to degenerate to absurdity.
In a mega plot twist, a generation later, the far "left" are now the hyper racists and have embraced KKK style ethnic politics. The commies did a search and replace on all their old rhetoric and changed "bourgeois" with "white people", and then professors doled out that new text as homework to students who went $100K in debt to get a _____ studies degree.
The woman who's directing Joe Biden's campaign, for example, is a proud racist who wouldn't be out of place with the villains of those 80's and 90's talk show sets, and she's a "mainstream" democrat. Not so surprisingly, the racists are also socialists, and they cast their resentment and hatred of white people as "justice".
The racist beliefs of the far left aren't really well known today and the people who hold those views, regardless of their race, represent a tiny sliver of the US population. Similarly, very few people who are fans of "socialism" in the US really know the gritty details of what that sort of economic system means. When these ideas are exposed to the slightest scrutiny, they don't hold up. It might be a temporary aberration and reaction to the loss to Trump that prompted the blue squad to embrace those ideologies.
It's actually pretty hard to understand why they did embrace those ideas when it's probably a losing position in the United States for a long time to come. The democrats are probably the american branch of the Globalist party, which for now, just seems anti white people.
The clown-world institutional collapse scenario is actually pretty frightening and would be very destructive if it happened along ethnic lines, rather than as a broad based political movement. If it happens gradually, power and the heavy armaments of the US government could be gradually dismantled, so all that's left in DC is a rump, sort of national level garbage pit of a corrupt machine politics that are similar to cities like Baltimore. If it happened rapidly, it might lead to an actual civil/ethnic war that was, quite ironically, the wet dream of the old white power talk show villains.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Friday, April 26, 2019
Ancient Western Religion is Eastern Religion?
The institutional religions that grew out of the classical world, like Christianity and Islam, were peculiar to a particular era of mass, top-down nations and empires that displaced smaller political and organizational units of people like tribes, and zealously stamped out all other forms of religion.
The older religion of the West was probably shamanic and was probably derived from very ancient traditions that maybe carried on in western occult and esoteric circles. The focus of that ancient religion seems to be aimed at reaching understanding of man's place in the universe and understanding the universe through an exploration of consciousness. Some clues about this remain in the Norse myths for example.
Robert Sepehrs's work suggests that the ancient religion of the west was widely disseminated and common throughout the ancient world, so perhaps religions like Tibetan Buddhism are representative of what our ancient ancestors believed.
The older religion of the West was probably shamanic and was probably derived from very ancient traditions that maybe carried on in western occult and esoteric circles. The focus of that ancient religion seems to be aimed at reaching understanding of man's place in the universe and understanding the universe through an exploration of consciousness. Some clues about this remain in the Norse myths for example.
Robert Sepehrs's work suggests that the ancient religion of the west was widely disseminated and common throughout the ancient world, so perhaps religions like Tibetan Buddhism are representative of what our ancient ancestors believed.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard versus the Empire
This campaign ad from Tulsi Gabbard is amazingly frank and straightforward. I think the rat democrat party will do everything it can to keep her off the debate stage.
Shamanism Versus Romanized Religion
For the past few years, I've started big construction projects in March. This year, I'm building a passive solar greenhouse. This type of project involves some planning and design work, then lots of grinding manual labor outside in a variety of weather conditions. More often than not the weather is pretty nice, even if the ground gets muddy this time of year, and it's beautiful to be out with all the wild animals, mainly birds and squirrels, who will put up with the sounds of hammering and running power tools.
Many of the steps involved in this type of project are pretty mindless and labor intensive. You can't help slip into a meditative state as the verbal part of consciousness goes idle for hours at a time. Being outside in the spring in that state of mind is a profound and liberating experience.
Quite a lot of religious tradition is really a repackaging of meditative discipline and exploration of different states of consciousness as a means to get in touch with the primal elements of existence. In the shamanic mode of religion, the path is individual. While someone might help a seeker along that path, it's up to the individual to experience and live it. Really what else could it be?
The empire propaganda religions were very keen on obliterating their competition and institutionalizing religious experience and enslaving the minds of masses of people. It's really to impose and emphasize particular modes of thinking.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Who Invented Anything? Collective Primacist Claims
It's a good question why there is any "orthodox" pre-historic ancient history. Nobody knows what happened with any clarity. Cultures that maintain an oral tradition from 10,000+ years ago have imbued it with poetry and distortion. Archaeological records are scanty and end up as fodder for wild speculation. Even modern studies of DNA as surveys of populations aren't conclusive and end up as more speculation fodder.
One fairly common trope in ancient histories is "this group invented the ______", whether it's writing, the wheel, bronze, pants, or whatever. The claim to primacy of that invention is often associated with a "We Rule, You Drool" supremacist claim. "Oh look, we invented pants."
It's probably more accurate to say ancient technologies like bronze, the wheel, and weaving were discovered by accident or copied from natural analogs and then slowly perfected over many generations of men. Even recent "inventions" of the industrial age are similar, and even today, where technology is abstruse, and far removed from natural analogs, new inventions are completely dependent and derivative of prior inventions.
One fairly common trope in ancient histories is "this group invented the ______", whether it's writing, the wheel, bronze, pants, or whatever. The claim to primacy of that invention is often associated with a "We Rule, You Drool" supremacist claim. "Oh look, we invented pants."
It's probably more accurate to say ancient technologies like bronze, the wheel, and weaving were discovered by accident or copied from natural analogs and then slowly perfected over many generations of men. Even recent "inventions" of the industrial age are similar, and even today, where technology is abstruse, and far removed from natural analogs, new inventions are completely dependent and derivative of prior inventions.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Speculative Philosophy: Remembering Ancient History
If you're interested in the topics I cover on this blog, you'd probably like the work of Robert Sepehr who writes and produces YouTube videos on anthropology and human origins. One of his areas of interest is the story of the Aryans, which is a name he attributes to the Age of Aries (ca 2000BC) and the encoding of that history in mythology, specifically the story of Atlantis which he believes was the ancient home of the Aryan peoples.
The mythology is the basis for countless movies and TV shows, including Battlestar Galactica. A cataclysm destroyed the earlier civilization and sent the relatively advanced culture wandering in search of a new home, and at the end of the series, it reveals that humanity has been destroyed and made to wander again and again, and cultures clashed and mixed over and over. BSG even includes a cryptic reference to Rh+ and Rh- blood and a miracle of a human-cylon hybrid.
In our day, anthropological speculation is a fraught topic, because of political correctness and "REEEEEE" culture. A few decades ago, it was pretty commonplace and even mainstream, because ancient history and human origins is a necessarily speculative field of endeavor. There's no eyewitness accounts, and there are no records.
It's sort of weird there's even any orthodox or dogmatic interpretation, like the "Out of Africa" story, which was also speculation based on very scanty information, and has been debunked by DNA studies. Nobody really knows what happened. We don't even really know what happened in recorded history times. Roman histories, for example, are just the propaganda stories of elite families and wars. The "Out of Africa" orthodoxy is similar to that; it's propaganda from the civil rights era of the USA and served the needs of the crappy democratic party.
The speculation about Aryans and Atlantis has been used as propaganda for political purposes, also by the National Socialists, who wanted to use the myths and history as a basis for international alliances and to make supremacist and legalistic claims about land rights, the same way Empires like the French, Spanish, and British made ownership claims about the New World based on "discovery", and which, quite ironically are also the basis for grievance claims of contemporary victim-olympcs culture.
Speculation about history, from my point of view, falls in the genre of Speculative Philosophy and the attainment of a sort of shamanistic knowledge and inner journey. It's an internal, psychological archaeology that relates the inner world of fantasy to the real world. As a quest for knowledge it's got validity, but as a political tool, it's just more fodder for the world of lies.
The mythology is the basis for countless movies and TV shows, including Battlestar Galactica. A cataclysm destroyed the earlier civilization and sent the relatively advanced culture wandering in search of a new home, and at the end of the series, it reveals that humanity has been destroyed and made to wander again and again, and cultures clashed and mixed over and over. BSG even includes a cryptic reference to Rh+ and Rh- blood and a miracle of a human-cylon hybrid.
In our day, anthropological speculation is a fraught topic, because of political correctness and "REEEEEE" culture. A few decades ago, it was pretty commonplace and even mainstream, because ancient history and human origins is a necessarily speculative field of endeavor. There's no eyewitness accounts, and there are no records.
It's sort of weird there's even any orthodox or dogmatic interpretation, like the "Out of Africa" story, which was also speculation based on very scanty information, and has been debunked by DNA studies. Nobody really knows what happened. We don't even really know what happened in recorded history times. Roman histories, for example, are just the propaganda stories of elite families and wars. The "Out of Africa" orthodoxy is similar to that; it's propaganda from the civil rights era of the USA and served the needs of the crappy democratic party.
The speculation about Aryans and Atlantis has been used as propaganda for political purposes, also by the National Socialists, who wanted to use the myths and history as a basis for international alliances and to make supremacist and legalistic claims about land rights, the same way Empires like the French, Spanish, and British made ownership claims about the New World based on "discovery", and which, quite ironically are also the basis for grievance claims of contemporary victim-olympcs culture.
Speculation about history, from my point of view, falls in the genre of Speculative Philosophy and the attainment of a sort of shamanistic knowledge and inner journey. It's an internal, psychological archaeology that relates the inner world of fantasy to the real world. As a quest for knowledge it's got validity, but as a political tool, it's just more fodder for the world of lies.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Media Smear Tactics Versus Distributed Consensus
The Internet has decimated the MSM as a cultural institution. Its impact wasn't really manifest until the 2016 election where it became apparent that the MSM is a wing of the DNC. While the DNC is peculiar to the United States, it's also apparent that these people are the "globalists" too.
It took about a year for the MSM and NGOs--all these groups are obviously connected, maybe they're all first cousins--to try to fight back against the Internet. The typical tactic has been to call "prominent" alternative media people, like Alex Jones or Sargon names like "racist", which seems to be about as sophisticated as calling someone a "doodoohead". Now after a handful of years, they're also attempting to use automatic censorship machines to cleanse the Internet of opinions that don't match theirs.
The net result has been to further erode the credibility of the MSM, which was already very low rather than impose their view on the audience. The post 9/11 wars, the bank bailouts, and the reaction of the media to the 2016 election torched all of their credibility. Now they're becoming simply contemptible. The smears don't work because the sentiment of the Internet audience is formed by a distributed process--it's really an ongoing conversation in comments sections, and on social media.
It'll be interesting to see if the Internet can become a consensus building machine for positive purposes, rather than consensus reaction to corruption. There are naturally divergent interests in the public that might make consensus impossible on many issues.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The US Empire Can't Survive the Collapse of the MSM
The US empire started in the late 19th century and was opposed from day one, since the country was founded by casting off an empire. Empires are the stuff of the dottering old world and venal corruption and they can't coexist with Republics.
In the US, the empire runs out of the executive branch, the corrupt congress goes along with it, and heavy propaganda kept the citizenry in line or not caring. The Republic is at home, and the empire is abroad.
The US throwing its colossal weight around in poor countries like Yemen, or Vietnam, etc... is unseemly at best, and ends up benefiting very narrow interests--really only a handful of people who might happen to be US citizens. National resources are expended on fruitless, wicked causes on behalf of evil people at home an abroad.
Since the early days of the Empire in the US, the media played a major role in propagandizing people, especially to get involved in war after war. Now the MSM has one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. Look at the view counts of the heavily promoted YouTube channels of outlets like CNN or USA Today. The "rando guy with webcam" commenting on news channels rack up 8 and 10 times the number of views per hour as the product of mega corporations.
We're either a republic or an empire. The technocracy, oligarchy, whatever you want to call it can't stand the Bill of Rights and a country that's organized for the well being of its citizens rather than being organized for systematic pillage.
The Internet/alt media can form a distributed consensus for action, which probably scares the shit out of dirtbags in the US empire business. When there's no figurehead to smear, no headquarters to raid, or no leadership to corrupt, the tactics they generally use to overcome the asymmetry in power between their tiny group of people and an armed nation of free people won't work.
That being said, I do think violence is an unlikely outcome. My guess is at some point people will just start abandoning institutions that keep the system going in large numbers.
In the US, the empire runs out of the executive branch, the corrupt congress goes along with it, and heavy propaganda kept the citizenry in line or not caring. The Republic is at home, and the empire is abroad.
The US throwing its colossal weight around in poor countries like Yemen, or Vietnam, etc... is unseemly at best, and ends up benefiting very narrow interests--really only a handful of people who might happen to be US citizens. National resources are expended on fruitless, wicked causes on behalf of evil people at home an abroad.
Since the early days of the Empire in the US, the media played a major role in propagandizing people, especially to get involved in war after war. Now the MSM has one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. Look at the view counts of the heavily promoted YouTube channels of outlets like CNN or USA Today. The "rando guy with webcam" commenting on news channels rack up 8 and 10 times the number of views per hour as the product of mega corporations.
We're either a republic or an empire. The technocracy, oligarchy, whatever you want to call it can't stand the Bill of Rights and a country that's organized for the well being of its citizens rather than being organized for systematic pillage.
The Internet/alt media can form a distributed consensus for action, which probably scares the shit out of dirtbags in the US empire business. When there's no figurehead to smear, no headquarters to raid, or no leadership to corrupt, the tactics they generally use to overcome the asymmetry in power between their tiny group of people and an armed nation of free people won't work.
That being said, I do think violence is an unlikely outcome. My guess is at some point people will just start abandoning institutions that keep the system going in large numbers.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Cain and Abel/Luthors and Kents
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From Here |
In Smallville, the main story revolves around two archetypal families: the Kents--who are farmers that have been in the town of Smallville, Kansas forever, and the Luthors--itinerant wanderers, criminals, and frauds who show up in recent generations. The two families are mirror images. Where the Kents are concerned with justice and right living, and actually struggle and suffer for it, the Luthors are grifters, murderers and thieves who live a lavish, but hollow lifestyle. (Star Wars' Skywalkers and the Empire are the same pairing.)
I think the sun god myth, which is the story of Superman, is really a fictionalized account of the end of the Pleistocene. It's not really history, though, because its characters and plots are stand ins for categories of peoples and events rather than a retelling of specifics, which are by now completely forgotten. It's also colored by ex post facto astrology and the turning of ages.
Anyway,it's notable how Smallville really delves into it. The Luthors, like the Empire in Star Wars, are exemplars of the city and technology. Where the Kents are farmers, the Luthors run a factory that pollutes the world and turns people, animals, and plants into monsters.
The fall of the Pleistocene, fall of Man story is really one of regret and the original bad choice, trading the natural life for the city life.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Trump the Chump
Both political parties in the US are huge frauds. They represent a slightly different group of crony corporations and international interests, not the American people.
I held out some hope that Trump was different. He managed to nudge the country slightly off the bee-line path toward more corporatacracy, more technocracy, and more globalism, but barely.
His veto of the resolution to end the US war in Yemen in support of the Saudis salts it for me. The democrats are insane freak clown world trash wrapped around a corrupt core, but the GOP is not a populist party and is just conning middle class and working class voters with a new song and dance. It's still the neocon party.
I held out some hope that Trump was different. He managed to nudge the country slightly off the bee-line path toward more corporatacracy, more technocracy, and more globalism, but barely.
His veto of the resolution to end the US war in Yemen in support of the Saudis salts it for me. The democrats are insane freak clown world trash wrapped around a corrupt core, but the GOP is not a populist party and is just conning middle class and working class voters with a new song and dance. It's still the neocon party.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
The End of the Ice Age, Flood Myths and Atlantis
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The Ice Age was the Best Age |
I've wondered why anyone attaches significance to the precession of the equinox. The spring equinox marked the start of the year for cultures for a long time. It's a good day to use as an anchor for the year for people who practice agriculture and it's a convenient day for making observations, too, because it's the day the sun rises due east.
In a human lifetime, the apparent position of the constellations on the equinox shift about 1 degree on the horizon. People who used even rudimentary instruments to make observations would notice, but why would anyone attribute significance to it? It's really akin to a phenomenon like moon phases.
I think the Pleistocene, the ice age, was really, in many ways, the best time for humanity. It was the garden of eden era of mankind. The population was low and spread out. The hunter gatherer lifestyle worked well and people who were healthy and well fed were probably about as happy as humans can be. It was like a permanent camping trip. I think this is encapsulated in the story of Enkidu living with the animals.
The end of the ice age was probably really bad for the long established civilizations of the time. Melting glaciers and ice caps led to steadily rising seas, and a handful of localized cataclysmic floods. Weather patterns changed drastically too.
Those changes probably plagued people for many generations. Species died off, landscapes changed, and ways of life went obsolete. Cities arose at roughly the same time and for the former pastoralists, cities must have been like hell on earth. They were relatively crowded, disease ridden and filled with garbage. Conversely, the arrival of comparatively heavily armed, horse riding pastoralist warriors probably sucked for the small agricultural communities of the day. The Mongols invasions of Europe were probably similar.
The "scientists" of those days might have associated the large scale changes with the astrological ages, and in true astrological/fortune teller fashion were "correct" in retrospect. The Great Month/Astrological Age probably arose from a concrete event but gradually turned into a more vague, hoodoo astrology hippie dippy concept and became much more human oriented as the beast of civilization started to devour the whole world.
I can't help wonder if Atlantis was just the Americas. As sea levels rose, the Europeans lost contact with the North and South America continents, which had formerly been more readily accessible when sea levels were much lower. Over generations, the story became the archetypal "lost civilization/lost city" tale because it was told by people who lived in cities.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Orthodoxy and Cults
I remember playing with matchbox cars when I was a 6 year old kid. My friends and I would sit around a sandy spot in the back yard and make a little sand village with houses and roads and drive the cars around. To us, it was real. I think we didn't even really differentiate between that hallucinatory state and real life experience.
That hallucinatory state is the basis of cults and religions. What's the difference between a cult and a religion? In a cult, the shared hallucination of the group is all encompassing. The group expels or severely stigmatizes people who break the spell and move into another mode of consciousness. In a religion, people move in an out of the hallucination and back to "real life" day to day concerns.
The SJW cult shared hallucination is game-like. Naming and labeling and doltishly categorizing people creates a sort of board game/card game shared hallucination. It's pretty likely a lot of the SJW's learned their stuff through the card collecting games that were popular when they were little kids, so to them it makes sense to reduce the complexity and messiness of human life to categories or to the letters of sexual identity bingo.
Their cult orthodoxy makes no sense to adults, or to people with fuller experience, so they wave it off. This is the basis of the "clown world" meme. The SJWs are ridiculous and contemptible. Their stridency and "REEEEE" reaction is an attempt to keep their members stuck in a particular mode of thinking.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Tables Turned in the Mueller Probe?
Recently alt-media conservative commentators started to claim "the tables turned" in the Mueller probe investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. A former Obama administration apparatchik Greg Craig was indicted for something. Craig worked on behalf of the former Russia allied Ukranian PM and apparently lied about it during the investigation or something. It doesn't really matter.
Rather than the tables "turning" it's actually just more of the same. There's some clique of people in New York and DC who are apparently involved in the struggle between Russia and the current Ukranian government and its oligarchy. Craig was on the wrong side, so he's getting his peepee smacked. Several other people affiliated with the 0bama administration were involved in similar schemes on the "right" side and probably won't face any scrutiny.
I think those type of people thrive on collapsed governments and total chaos in foreign countries. The money flows and they can get a cut. It allows them to use the national resources of the US to advance their personal agendas. That's the daily, monotonous scandal of the last 100+ years of US history.
Rather than the tables "turning" it's actually just more of the same. There's some clique of people in New York and DC who are apparently involved in the struggle between Russia and the current Ukranian government and its oligarchy. Craig was on the wrong side, so he's getting his peepee smacked. Several other people affiliated with the 0bama administration were involved in similar schemes on the "right" side and probably won't face any scrutiny.
I think those type of people thrive on collapsed governments and total chaos in foreign countries. The money flows and they can get a cut. It allows them to use the national resources of the US to advance their personal agendas. That's the daily, monotonous scandal of the last 100+ years of US history.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Clown World Meme as Resolution of Tension
The term "clown world" grew organically on social media over the past couple of years. It's a reaction to the steady stream of insane stories about "left wing" nut jobs and ideological craziness that's completely out of touch with reality. A really good example of that is the recent story about a professor who claimed, "White People Own Time" or some such nonsense.
Over the course of weeks and months of similar stories circulating social media and YouTube, people start to see them as all the same. The natural reaction is contempt.
The victim olympics and the righteous outrage tantrums of a dimwit like Cortez are contemptible. As a sort of consensus understanding (see post on social intelligence) emerges it can be encapsulated in a meme. I think the clown world pepe "Honkler" is an indication that we'll see "white flight" (really sane people flight) instead of a confrontation. The discredited and contemptible institutions are going to lose support.
Hollywood, corporate America, universities, the consumer culture, etc... etc... are probably going to be turned upside down in years to come.
Over the course of weeks and months of similar stories circulating social media and YouTube, people start to see them as all the same. The natural reaction is contempt.
The victim olympics and the righteous outrage tantrums of a dimwit like Cortez are contemptible. As a sort of consensus understanding (see post on social intelligence) emerges it can be encapsulated in a meme. I think the clown world pepe "Honkler" is an indication that we'll see "white flight" (really sane people flight) instead of a confrontation. The discredited and contemptible institutions are going to lose support.
Hollywood, corporate America, universities, the consumer culture, etc... etc... are probably going to be turned upside down in years to come.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Civilizations as a Particular Blend of Consciousness
There are many industries in the United States that are based on long term household debt and a maze of contracts and corporate relationships. Real estate, universities/colleges, trailer parks, cars, are some examples.
For a lot of people, including me, assuming the burden of relatively large debt is a coming of age ritual. The debt is a direct road to the 9-5 rat race grind.
When I was in my early twenties and that rat race was starting up, I was acutely aware that I was just following some script that had nothing to do with my wishes or will, but I was too uninformed to know if there were any other options.
For a lot of people, including me, assuming the burden of relatively large debt is a coming of age ritual. The debt is a direct road to the 9-5 rat race grind.
When I was in my early twenties and that rat race was starting up, I was acutely aware that I was just following some script that had nothing to do with my wishes or will, but I was too uninformed to know if there were any other options.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
"Racism"--An attack on consciousness from the cult of the insect god
Imagine yourself balancing on a log and walking across a creek that's 10 feet below and is running cold, fast, choppy and deep.
Your mind is focused on the position of your body and the contours and footing of the log. There's no verbal component to your thinking, but it's not unconscious or subconscious. You're just in a different mode of thought than primarily verbal. In fact, you won't speak unless you shift out of that mode of consciousness, either by losing your balance and falling "oh shit!", or by making it across, "yes!"
Most day-to-day interactions with people are non-verbal, too. Everyone is primarily existing and doing their thing.
Along comes the insect cult. They attack those modes of consciousness and try to make relations between people into a sort of legalistic bad version of a board game. They claim white people are "racists" or promote the whole weirdo "transphobia" thing. It's really an attack on non-verbal consciousness, aka "easy goingness". They're sub humans. They live in a tiny, narrow reality.
Your mind is focused on the position of your body and the contours and footing of the log. There's no verbal component to your thinking, but it's not unconscious or subconscious. You're just in a different mode of thought than primarily verbal. In fact, you won't speak unless you shift out of that mode of consciousness, either by losing your balance and falling "oh shit!", or by making it across, "yes!"
Most day-to-day interactions with people are non-verbal, too. Everyone is primarily existing and doing their thing.
Along comes the insect cult. They attack those modes of consciousness and try to make relations between people into a sort of legalistic bad version of a board game. They claim white people are "racists" or promote the whole weirdo "transphobia" thing. It's really an attack on non-verbal consciousness, aka "easy goingness". They're sub humans. They live in a tiny, narrow reality.
Nonverbal Consciousness and Corporate Life
There are a million YouTube videos of people walking on nylon webbing stretched between trees. I think it's a relatively new hobby. It's like tightrope walking, but it's not as hard on the feet, I guess. When I was a kid, we walked down the narrow flat surface on top of the long galvanized steel guard rails on our cul de sac road or walked on logs over creeks and rivers. It's pretty entertaining to do that.
As a kid, my friends and I spent lots of time in childhood and adolescence learning many skills and practicing a variety of disciplines, and engaging in different modes of consciousness. But as an adult, I've been doing to corporate 9-5 grind for a long time, which for me is spent in an entirely verbal mode of consciousness. A large fraction of that is spent in the even narrower marathon of sudoku software development mode of consciousness. It's really barely human!
As a kid, my friends and I spent lots of time in childhood and adolescence learning many skills and practicing a variety of disciplines, and engaging in different modes of consciousness. But as an adult, I've been doing to corporate 9-5 grind for a long time, which for me is spent in an entirely verbal mode of consciousness. A large fraction of that is spent in the even narrower marathon of sudoku software development mode of consciousness. It's really barely human!
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Surfing, Skateboarding Nonverbal Consciousness and Language
I learned to juggle sometime in my early teens and I vividly remember the experience of not being able to juggle one minute, then being able to do it the rest of my life in the next minute. It's something I learned by repetition and trial and error and close to zero verbal instruction. Other physical skills, like riding a bike, ice skating, or rollerblading are learned in a similar way. Over the course of many attempts, the brain and the body gradually adapt to the new thing.
The sensation of learning a new sport that involves balance, like ice skating, or riding a bike, or surfing have many common aspects. Much of the time spent learning seems to involve building up the muscles and motor control skills that stabilize the center of gravity of the body on a mobile or unstable surface.
Even though the experience is common and shared by so many, there's almost no language derived from it, except maybe some surfing or skateboarding lingo. The conscious awareness of how body position affects the center of gravity is hard to explain in words. Generally when people talk about it, they use hand gestures.
The sensation of learning a new sport that involves balance, like ice skating, or riding a bike, or surfing have many common aspects. Much of the time spent learning seems to involve building up the muscles and motor control skills that stabilize the center of gravity of the body on a mobile or unstable surface.
Even though the experience is common and shared by so many, there's almost no language derived from it, except maybe some surfing or skateboarding lingo. The conscious awareness of how body position affects the center of gravity is hard to explain in words. Generally when people talk about it, they use hand gestures.
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