Thursday, September 13, 2018

Reformation Parallels Again

I've written about the end of the middle ages a few times in this blog. Today, many of the institutions of the western world are in an eerily similar state. While the medieval world was bound together by catholicism incorporated, the modern world is bound together by the money printing business. In the middle ages, universities were appendages of the church and learned men of the day spent their time expanding its doctrines and building the apparatus to funnel income to the clergy and the vatican. In our time, university professors advocate central planning schemes and various identity politics religious dogmas that are similarly inexplicably tied to banker world.

Human corporate institutions are a simulacrum. They are a model of a physical body, and like a body they have an inside and an outside. The claim of universality by institutions like a communist party or the catholic church are bogus. By creating a body, a corporate institution creates its own competition and its own eventual downfall.

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