Sunday, August 7, 2022

Self Sufficient Future

I went for a long bike ride yesterday through the neighborhood where I grew up. It's in a rural/suburban township that was lightly populated when I was a kid in the 1980s. Back then only a few cul de sac neighborhoods had been developed in the township and the rest of it was old farm fields and scrubby woods, or older growth woods. There were quite a few miles of dirt roads plus chip and tar roads. The main roads were paved and well maintained.

Back in the 1980s, even though the township was even more rural than today, there was hardly any farming activity. I never heard a rooster crow when I was growing up. There were a couple hobby farms, and one horse farm fairly close to my house, but that's about it. Today, though, lots of people have farm animals and gardens. In some neighborhoods every other house has chickens, and a handful of homes have pigs or even cows.

I think in the 1980s, boomer homeowners had a negative view of farming; it was a country bumpkin activity that maybe some of them were trying to leave behind. Today, people are moving toward self sufficiency, because they know the system is failing.

Lefties are terrified about a move toward self sufficient people. The big leftist theme is everyone will live in a city that's lorded over by a parasite political class and controlled by computers. The drone denizens will eat bug paste and own nothing. All the power will go into the hands of political hacks with opinions. There's many YouTube channels that showcase those opinions. People confuse those opinions with "science".

The government currently supports solar power, but that's really a threat to their centralizing plans. It's a pretty straight line from solar powered household to self sufficient homestead, and that's likeliest to succeed in ruralish, exurban places with lots of land. The leftist parasite government is essentially incentivising homesteading.

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