Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Choices versus "Creating Reality"

The people at the top of the pyramid of western countries make statements like, "we are creating reality" from time to time. What they mean by that is their "plans" create the game-like circumstances of life for all the lowly peons.

They're extremely privileged people who have been insulated from the consequences of failure their whole lives and believe they are really wise and knowledgeable but they're dilettantes at best. The men who planned the Iraq war and occupation exemplify this type. They didn't have a clue what they were doing. They mass murdered civilians and spent trillions of dollars of the US taxpayer's funds and they failed. They did not suffer any negative consequences, not even a loss of reputation. Many of them moved onto fancy high paying jobs afterward. The public health officials who lorded over the western world during 2019-2020 are similar. They failed. They suck, but some still listen to them.

A poor person often has to make what amount to life or death choices. For example, someone with no savings might have to choose between paying to fix their car, or paying their rent every once in a while. For that person, making a strategically better choice will incrementally make their life better. If they're intelligent and make the wrong choice from time to time, they will gain wisdom. That person is in touch with reality and consequence.

The hubristic "elites" do not think they are in the same situation as the poor person, but they really are. We all are, all the time. A person with lots of wealth, that is, resources, thinks he or she has countless choices and can afford to lose. That's an illusion. Every choice really does have consequences.

For example, sinking trillions of dollars into "green energy" and a super complicated electrical grid and EVs might be a total disaster. Those resources are needed elsewhere, for one. There's towns in the US with failed and poisoned water supplies for example but weirdly there's no money to fix that problem. Is the country going to be "stronger" as a result of an all electric transportation fleet that nobody can afford?

Anyway, failure of those large scale plans didn't matter in the 1970s, but it will be a real kick in the balls now.

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