Friday, August 5, 2022

Grid Level Solar Seems Stupid

 Solar panels are cheap and are really easy to install. I think a 12 year old with basic handyman skills could successfully setup a solar power system. In many places in the country, whole house solar power is a no-brainer decision. If you own a home in Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, Florida, etc... it makes sense to install solar today. The power from the system will be at least 50% cheaper than grid power.

I doubt it makes sense to tie residential solar panels to the grid. If every household has solar panels in Phoenix, AZ, for example, who needs the surplus power? It's an extremely expensive way to provide surplus power to the handful of people who don't have their own system in that case. The scenario is the same, there, regardless of scale. For an industrial user, they'd have a bigger system and it will probably still be cheaper for energy than the grid.

The solar farms seem kind of dumb. There's transmission losses, etc... It makes more sense to generate the power on site. For many people, it would make sense to get rid of their inverter in their house and run DC to their electronic gizmos, too.

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