Monday, February 21, 2022

Writing and Belief

Language and writing are many steps removed from the real world. Many thinkers have wrestled with this problem over the centuries. In fact, I think the entire practice of Daoism is an attempt to get around this problem. I think their approach is neatly captured in the koan: "what is the sound of one hand clapping". It's a paradox that shows that the constructs of language are limited and can limit the mind.

Writing is particular pernicious, which is ironic because I've electronically scratched thousands of words onto this blog. It's dawned on me the past couple of days that writing is maybe the root of all evil.

Speech and writing are possible because we have a shared "dictionary" in our minds. Speech is a low-bit rate method of transferring the state of mind of one person to another. All speech is really a form of compressed data transmission. Writing is just a persistent form of speech, but has even less information content; it's an even lower data rate. It's quite common for the written word to lose context and original meaning over time because the shared dictionary changes.

The concept of "belief" arises from this fault of writing and speech. "Belief" is an attempt to fix the context and content--really the state of mind--of all hearers. Here's a recent example of that:
Renfield Man

The state of mind becomes "political", that is a group concept. The attempt to fix belief becomes an exercise in duplication of state of mind. This has been on display like no other time in my life through the corona-bologna saga. The Renfield segment of the population sought to demonstrate and reinforce their shared state of mind; it was beamed into them vampire style from their overlord Draculas like Bill Gates and Fauci.

This is where the concept of "gods" originates. Writing and Language create the gods and the legal "codes". Writing is especially toxic in this regard. A dead thing steals the mind-energy of the living. Some religious sects spend years in "study", that is programming their mind with the written word in attempt to keep the low-fidelity, error prone transmission "true".... but it gets corrupted very easily.

The reality of our reality seems to undermine their attempts, which is pretty interesting. Their gods are the biggest lie and most contrary to their supposed creation.

Our reality seems to be fractal that is repeated patterns on various scales are reflected everywhere. For example, our digestive system is like a forest floor, and our intestines are actually like tree roots. We really carry dirt around in our guts, and that dirt actually profoundly affects our state of mind, even. So if you said, "I am a tree", the poetical understanding would be as accurate or filled with meaning as a doctrinal "scientific" description.

I did a post about synedoche quite a while back (2015). That's a poetic device. That poetic understanding of reality is the pre-scientific version of understanding reality and seems more flexible and clever.

You can really see the past couple of years that "the science" tends toward dictatorship because of language, primarily. The Renfields beleive science can fix meaning, and censorship will assure the meaning remains constant. This is a Abrahamic religious concept. You see whole rooms of Jews or Muslims trying to nail concepts into their heads with a rocking motion. They are trying to become the host of their dead ink gods. It doesn't even work for them. They drag around layer after layer of interpretation of what color clothes to wear and drown in the letter of the law. Their mind virus infected scientists now try to build computer models of reality to capture it. These people are insane.


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