Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Canaderp is Now a Gay Dictatorship

I watched live steams of the trucker protest in Canada. It was a pretty mild event. The Canadian government used it as an excuse to roll out emergency powers so they can seize bank accounts and property any time they want. Their "parliament" "representatives" passed that legislation. So it looks like the truckers got used by the people who organized and promoted the event the same way the people who went to the US capital on January 6.

Protesting is a completely useless activity, by the way. The government either promotes the protests, like in the case of BLM to push through their wanted changes, or covertly sets up the protests like the January 6 protest or the Canadian trucker protest. If nobody showed up to those events, there would be government employees putting on a skit. Probably half the people at the DC capital event were FBI agents or informants.

The governments of the west are gone--long gone. There's no reform possible. They're occupied and controlled. They are 100% illegitimate.

There's nothing to do but start over.

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